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Default companions armor is so ugly


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I hate this armor not only is it really ugly but the design doesn't make sense. First the animal shapes on the chest and the belt buckle look like bats instead of wolves and the gauntlet animal shapes are stupid and pointless. They could have come up with a companions logo or the circle logo instead for those areas. Second the textures are confusing because there appears to be elven styling in that trim but there shouldn't be any elven styling on the armor of a group of elf hating companions whose leader had a weapon that specifically caused more damage to elves!


Third the textures are not even done properly they are missing an _m file which is really strange. I thought about retexturing this armor but I ended up with no clear decision on what to do because it looks like they originally intended the armor to be ebony instead of steel hence the elven styling on the trim but here comes farkas with steel armor by default until the unofficial patch team fixed it. I bet their armor was a rush job at the last minute and they just forgot to set farkas to use it. Just look at the knee armor and how incredibly low poly it is. That area alone tells us just rushed this armor was. It is possible to make a proper _m file and not have the fur parts of the armor super shiny and not fur looking it just requires more time to do it.


I thought about using the faraam comfy knight armor as a replacer but the pants on that armor clip through any boots other than what comes with it and those boots are too dam small.


Now I don't know what would look good for the companions, maybe a mashup of ancient nord and something else? I dunno it just feels annoying to think about it anymore. Maybe if someone could remove the stupid bat faces from the armor it might not be so bad. I looked at it a lot in nifskope and there are no polys behind the bat faces so even if I alpha them out there will just be a see through hole there instead:-(


Can someone remodel this armor to remove the bat faces from the chest and the belts? For the belt just put a circular or rectangular belt buckle let someone else sort out the textures for it if you don't want to do it yourself. To be clear, I am not asking someone to pull a hothtrooper44 here, I am talking about actually removing polygons and verts and put new polys and verts in the armor.

Edited by dragonslayer2k12
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