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Putting the player's name in a Note

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I'm trying to create a note that has the player's name in the title


Example: To: *Player Name Here*


If i remember right from Fallout 3, there was a note that some bounty hunters had that was named "Bounty Notice: *player name here*", I pretty much want to do the same thing but cant figure out how or if it's possible in New Vegas.


Help would be much appreciated.

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Ah, I can remember how difficult it was to find this information when I needed it for Fallout 3. The note from FO3 you're talking about is called HitSquadNoteGoodGuys, by the way :)


I have not yet tested this in New Vegas. However, I am pretty certain that it still works because I distinctly remember some dialog lines where my characters name showed up in a dialog choice (Like: “Hello. My name is &PCName;. Who are you?”).


I know of three such “variables”. Pay attention to the ampersand at the beginning and the semicolon at the end. They are important.


&PCName; -is replaced with the players name

&PCRace; -is replaced with the name of the players race (“Caucasian”, “Hispanic”, etc...)

&PCSex; -is replaced with either “male” or “female”.


Have fun and let us know if they still work :)

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