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OBSE makes the main menu disappear

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So my friends pulled me into the world of Oblivion mods. I got the game and Shivering Isles standalone a few years ago, but had put the game aside for a couple of years because the graphics started to look dated and the gameplay stale. And school.


Then one of my boys sent me here.


So I got my few dozen mods, BOSS, OBMM, OBSE, can't get wrye bash to work but my boy's got 120 mods running without it, and I installed and tested each mod, one at a time over four days, and they all worked on their own. I used OBMM to start them together in pairs and chunks at random and they all worked fine. The conflict detector said not to worry about any of the conflicts.


So I decided to turn them all on. And now the start menu's disappeared. Can't click on anything, gotta ctrl-alt-del outta Oblivion. I don't know what's caused it, and I certainly don't know enough about mod structures to clean out the data folder.


so here's my list:





better cities resources.esm

unofficial oblivion patch.esp

uop vampire aging & face fix.esp






crowded roads advanced.esp










hentai mania.esp



leviathan soulgems.esp


narae pose - 01.esp

narae pose - 01 guide book.esp


beautiful peoplev22 - malereplacerv4.esp

new head for khajiits by mike.esp

desuchan's store.esp




sentinel's legendary weapons and armors.esp

better cities full.esp

better imperial city.esp

better cities full fps patch.esp

better imperial city fps patch.esp

better cities - vwd of the ic.esp

better cities - no leyawiin flooding.esp

better cities - open better cities.esp

better cities .esp



chocolate elves

cute elves

CM Partners


Enhanced Economy

Hentai Mania 2 (that man is hella talented)

Let the people Drink

Oblivion XP




This is the order BOSS thinks they should be in, and every mod is off. Anyone got any ideas? I'm thinking it may be OBSE - I've got Pluggy and NifSE installed in OBSE's Data folder, but the menu comes back when I launch Oblivion from the executable instead of through OBSE. My mod-master put them on and told me a couple of my mods are dependent on OBSE, Pluggy and NifSE and I shouldn't run the game without them. Any ideas on how to fix this? I only have about an hour a day to play, so I can't sit around troubleshooting for days on end like the good old days. Thanks for your help, all.

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You're going to have to get wrye bash going.


From Wrye's instructions:

• Download and run Wrye Python [ PlanetElderScrolls | TESNexus ] (You'll have to search for it on these sites yourself-I didn't copy the link)

• Select all components, then select the temporary install directory and click "Install". Upon doing so, installers for selected components will be unzipped and run in sequence. It's best to accept the default settings for each installer.

• Note: This is not part of Wrye Bash itself – rather it is a bundled installation of python and related libraries that Wrye Bash is built on top of. You should only need to install this once. For more infos, se Python Components.

• Download and Unzip Wrye Bash XXX.zip

• Unzip the files into your Oblivion installation directory. If you've done this correctly, you'll find bash.py and other bash files under Oblivion\Mopy.

• Note: This is the actual Wrye Bash code/application. It updates fairly frequently, but is small and easy to install.

On Windows Vista, the UAC (User Account Control) protects the Program Files directory (usually c:\Program Files) against write by regular users. This can be a problem for Bash and other mod editing and management tools (TESCS, TES4View, OBMM).

• Best Solution: Install Oblivion to somewhere other than under the Program Files directory. (E.g, install to c:\Games\Oblivion). Such an alternate directory is not subject to UAC control and won't have the same access and virtualization problems that the default install will have.

• Alternate Solutions: Alternatively, you might always run as admin, or turn off UAC – but both of those approaches are ill-advised. For more advice, see the Unofficial Help page at UESP.(This is the one I use, if you're the only one that uses your computer, it's perfectly safe.)

Starting Wrye Bash

• Double click the "Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw" file.

• Launching from another location:

• You can drag "Wrye Bash Launcher" to your Quick Launch toolbar. OR...

• In Explorer, copy "Wrye Bash Launcher", then go to the other location and use "Paste Shortcut".

(or you can right click on the "Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw file, and "send to desk top (creates shortcut)


Also, it would help to know where your OMOD's fall in your load order; and if they offer more than one .esp, which of the .esp's you chose. These should show up on the left panel of OBMM-unless you haven't unpacked your OMOD's yet.

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lots of stuff

esp load order w/omods on sorted by boss, changes highlighted





cobl main.esm


cm partners.esm

unofficial oblivion patch.esp

uop vampire aging & face fix.esp






enhanced economy.esp

crowded roads advanced.esp







cobl glue.esp

cobl si.esp

cobl tweaks.esp





hentai mania.esp


sentinel's legendary weapons and armors.esp




leviathan soulgems.esp


oblivion xp.esp

narae pose - 01.esp

narae pose - 01 guide book.esp


cm partners.esp


chocolate elves.esp

beautiful peoplev22 - malereplacerv4.esp

cm partners special npcs.esp

cm partners npc.esp

cm partners more npcs.esp

cm partners marker npcs.esp

cm partners extra npcs.esp

new head for khajiits by mike.esp

desuchan's store.esp







Game's installed on a separate hard drive in folders with no spaces

No UAC, I know what I'm doing with Windows


The problem I'm having is I installed all the supplementary libraries Wrye needs to run like you said, the Wrye installer tells me it sees all its libraries, and then the pyw file doesn't do anything. I have to run the debug batch to get it to run. Been trying to learn what I can about Python, but I ran outta time and gotta go.


Got the python debugger to barf this up though, if it's legible to you:

It did this while I was running the debug batch

I:\GAME\TES4\Mopy>C:/Python26/Python.exe "Wrye Bash Debug.py" -d  1>BashBugDump.
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "I:\GAME\TES4\Mopy\basher.py", line 4269, in OnShowPage
 File "I:\GAME\TES4\Mopy\basher.py", line 2824, in OnShow
   if data.refresh(progress,what,self.fullRefresh):
 File "I:\GAME\TES4\Mopy\bosh.py", line 11479, in refresh
   settings['bash.installers.removeEmptyDirs'], fullRefresh)
 File "I:\GAME\TES4\Mopy\bosh.py", line 10003, in refreshSizeCrcDate
   size = apFile.size
 File "I:\GAME\TES4\Mopy\bolt.py", line 427, in size
   return os.path.getsize(self._s)
 File "C:\Python26\lib\genericpath.py", line 49, in getsize
   return os.stat(filename).st_size
WindowsError: [Error 123] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax i
s incorrect: 'I:\\GAME\\TES4\\Data\\textures\\armors\\hentai\\athena\\cuirassL ?


and this when I ran the launcher through pythons debug:

C:\Python26\python.exe "I:\GAME\TES4\Mopy\Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw" -d
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "I:\GAME\TES4\Mopy\Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw", line 24, in <module>
   import bash
 File "I:\GAME\TES4\Mopy\bash.py", line 39, in <module>
   import barb
 File "I:\GAME\TES4\Mopy\barb.py", line 32, in <module>
   import basher
 File "I:\GAME\TES4\Mopy\basher.py", line 411, in <module>
   colorChecks = ColorChecks()
 File "I:\GAME\TES4\Mopy\basher.py", line 375, in __init__
   image = images[imageKey] = Image(file,wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)
 File "I:\GAME\TES4\Mopy\balt.py", line 126, in __init__
   raise ArgumentError(_("Missing resource file: %s.") % (self.file,))
bolt.ArgumentError: Missing resource file: images\checkbox_purple_on.png.


So what is Wrye that it's so important for me?




u haz v2?

Yeah. Why?


Nice store by the way.



I made a batch that just calls the launcher using python and it seems to run but still crashes when I switch tabs. I still can't quite figure out just what it's supposed to do that OBMM doesn't.

Edited by SmilingAhab
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The only two things I can suggest @ this point are:

move the python file to I:

And I know that Cobl glue, and tweaks would normally be merged into your bashed patch; but you can't do anything about that until you get the other sorted.

If you have the time or inclination, get "All Natural"-it supercedes Natural Weather. (And looks brilliant, too)

I'm not familiar enough with:crowded roads advanced.esp





hentai mania.esp


sentinel's legendary weapons and armors.esp


oblivion xp.esp

narae pose - 01.esp

narae pose - 01 guide book.esp


cm partners.esp


chocolate elves.esp

beautiful peoplev22 - malereplacerv4.esp

cm partners special npcs.esp

cm partners npc.esp

cm partners more npcs.esp

cm partners marker npcs.esp

cm partners extra npcs.esp

new head for khajiits by mike.esp

desuchan's store.esp





To do any thing useful; you might want to read there boards to see if there's any known conflicts; especially major ones.


Once you get Bash sorted, you'll see that it's not even remotely like OBMM. OBMM installs mods. Bash makes them work together. (short explanation)

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You might try posting here for help.

Do you even have an I: drive? Someone else posted an err report that had simular stuff to your's and it looks to me like python is misdetecting the directories.


Yeah, it's a server hard drive with a 16kB cluster size. thrashes like hell, but it gets 50-60 MB/s transfer speeds. Lovely for gaming.

Now that I've got an evening off, I can screw around with fixing stuff.


crowded roads just spawns random NPCs that follow the roads so the world doesn't feel like it's inhabited by a handful of people. Nobody's reported conflicts.

I got Natural Environments because OBMM was nagging me that All Natural wouldn't work with Better Cities. I'm happy with what I've got until this is solved.


What python file are you talking about that I should move?

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All Natural works brilliantly with Better Cities. (jfyi) The BC folder has a patch in it. Would be easier if your bash was working, but it can be installed manually. (See BC readme for details)


This one:

File "C:\Python26\lib\genericpath.py"

Of course, you'd have to move the entire python library, and I'm not sure it would make a bit of difference-but it's worth a try.


What about the rest of that plethora of mods I listed?

Edited by dallen68
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All Natural works brilliantly with Better Cities. (jfyi) The BC folder has a patch in it. Would be easier if your bash was working, but it can be installed manually. (See BC readme for details)


This one:

File "C:\Python26\lib\genericpath.py"

Of course, you'd have to move the entire python library, and I'm not sure it would make a bit of difference-but it's worth a try.


What about the rest of that plethora of mods I listed?


Got bash working! Apparently the authors encourage a scorched earth mentality when repairing Wrye - uninstall anything with the word python in it form the computer, uninstall Wrye, I went an extra step and scraped python from my hard drives and registry with revo uninstaller, restarted, installed wrye python (which they should really link to on the wrye bash TESNexus page). Then I reinstalled and everything popped up ready and swinging.


The other mods didn't mention any conflicts with what I've downloaded, and most of the comments on the 30-page comments are "how this worky?"


So Wrye's working. Now what?

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All Natural works brilliantly with Better Cities. (jfyi) The BC folder has a patch in it. Would be easier if your bash was working, but it can be installed manually. (See BC readme for details)


This one:

File "C:\Python26\lib\genericpath.py"

Of course, you'd have to move the entire python library, and I'm not sure it would make a bit of difference-but it's worth a try.


What about the rest of that plethora of mods I listed?


Got bash working! Apparently the authors encourage a scorched earth mentality when repairing Wrye - uninstall anything with the word python in it form the computer, uninstall Wrye, I went an extra step and scraped python from my hard drives and registry with revo uninstaller, restarted, installed wrye python (which they should really link to on the wrye bash TESNexus page). Then I reinstalled and everything popped up ready and swinging.


The other mods didn't mention any conflicts with what I've downloaded, and most of the comments on the 30-page comments are "how this worky?"


So Wrye's working. Still spitting blood about the hentai mania 2 mod, but it doesn't crash afterwords. Now what?

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