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OBSE makes the main menu disappear

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Sounds like your good to go.

If you're like most people, it might take your 2-3 days to get the hang of how everything works, after that, it will be second nature. I'm not really familiar with hentai mania, but do the mod checker (on the bottom of the control panel, second button from the right [i think], ) when it comes up, push all four of the buttons on the bottom "in", and then follow the directions it gives you. It's accurate about 97% of the time.

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Sounds like your good to go.

If you're like most people, it might take your 2-3 days to get the hang of how everything works, after that, it will be second nature. I'm not really familiar with hentai mania, but do the mod checker (on the bottom of the control panel, second button from the right [i think], ) when it comes up, push all four of the buttons on the bottom "in", and then follow the directions it gives you. It's accurate about 97% of the time.

It told me that Better Cities, COBL glue and Khajiit head replacer would work better together put into the bashed patch. It didn't give any errors about anything, the problem Wrye was having is that the armor mesh in question has a Big5 non-Roman character in its name.



So how does Wrye fix OBSE so I have a main menu?

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Got so caught up in BASH, I had forgotten about the main menu. :wallbash:

The short answer to your question is: "it doesn't".

The Medium Sized Answer is:

Did you use the correct OBSE loader for your configuration? (There's 2 in the pack)

Did you get all the correct .dll's for your configuration from the pack. (There's 6-8, I think) Things can go pear-shaped if you forget one, or get the wrong one.

Did you get Kyoma OBSE menu que? (I don't remember off hand if it's included in the pack, or a seperate download)

Did you get the right OBSE? You should be on version 20.

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I have version 2

used the standalone dlls and launcher

kyoma is built in to OBSE v2


I deleted all of the OBSE plugins and it works fine. I did a flurry of troubleshooting and the culprit is OBGEv2.dll. Put it in plugins, no more menu. Kill it, menu's back. NIFse works fine. Docs say depth buffering can do that. There's no OBGE.ini where there's supposed to be one. So I made one with the depth buffer var and set it to 0, and the whole thing works now.


:confused: Dunno if I trust it. Oh well, I trust the JB weld on my 3000psi water tank, I guess this is small beans.


Now I've got eyes and bodies disappearing at the character creation screen. all-black eyes in a floating head. Where should I start for this?

Edited by SmilingAhab
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Is the problem OBSE or OBGE? If it's the latter, everyone I know says not to use it.

For your eyes and bodies:

1.open your wrye bash

2. right click on bashed patch, select rebuild patch

3. on the panel to the right put a check mark in

Merge Patches-Select everything in the box that appears that applies to you.

Import Actors-Select everything in the box that appears that applies to you. Deselect if nothing appears in the box.

Import Actors AI Package-Same as above

Import Actors Animation-ditto

Import Actors Death Items-ditto

Import Cells-Select everything in the box that applies to you







Import Scripts

Import Stats


The four "tweak" things-pick the tweaks you want;except tweak actors, select this only if you have one or more of the four mods mentioned in the box that appears.

Cobl Catalogues

Cobl Exhaustion (If you have one of the two mods that appears in the box)

Contents Checker

Leveled List

Power Exhaustion (if you have a non-cobl power exhaustion mod)

Race Records

SEWorld Test. (If you have GOTY or the Shivering Isles Expansion pack)


Anything I did not mention generally only applies to one or two very specific situations, and should be left un-selected unless the specific mod tells you to select it.

Edit: And select "build patch" of course. :sweat:

Edited by dallen68
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Is the problem OBSE or OBGE? If it's the latter, everyone I know says not to use it.


OBGE. It works if you edit its INI file in your documents\games\oblivion folder to turn depth buffering off. It's a known issue they're working on. If I can remember which mods I downloaded that need it I'll post them later. It works as long as depth buffering is off.


other tweaky stuff

I'll be back Friday when I have a few spare moments to try this. Took too much time away from other things this week as it is. Thanks for all the help.

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I uninstalled hentaimania 1 because wrye wouldn't do anything until I purged the entire data folder of anything with a file that was not ANSI-encoded, then reinstalled it when it was done. I see where the biggest advantage Wrye has - the mod checker and bashed patch are the main attraction. I still love to death the ease of OMODs, and I'm sure that BAINs can be just as easy to install.


At any rate, I've run out of time to experiment today. Now instead of googly eyes, no races except standalones like the chocolate elves and cute elves have eyes. And I don't know what mod installed mystic elves, skyrim khajiits, tang mo, or the halflings, and undoing all my mods and retesting them is going to take a whole weekend, a rare commodity nowadays. And for some reason, all the addon races add 8 races each, which are slight variations on the face. and the Corean mod doesn't have the names correctly spelled or typed up. If I only had the time to learn the construction set like I learned Morrowind's and help everyone touch up their mods. I wonder what it would take to replace the vanilla races with all the pretty races people have made here - that seems to be half the reason addon races exist. I also noticed that so many of these mods require several other mods to work, yet so few authors are allowed to put the necessary dependencies into their own mods. I understand the desire to protect one's work, but at the expense of the creativity of the community and the creation of self-sufficient mods? I guess I'm just tired of downloading a mod, only to have to hunt down 8 other mods (and nobody links to their dependencies), which makes me have to hunt down 5 other mods, two of which are usually gone. 5 mods just to have women have tits that don't move like they've got cinderblocks or waterbags under their clothes? I'm starting to wonder if it was a good idea to get Oblivion out of the closet...


::insert audible sigh::

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I uninstalled hentaimania 1 because wrye wouldn't do anything until I purged the entire data folder of anything with a file that was not ANSI-encoded, then reinstalled it when it was done. I see where the biggest advantage Wrye has - the mod checker and bashed patch are the main attraction. I still love to death the ease of OMODs, and I'm sure that BAINs can be just as easy to install.


At any rate, I've run out of time to experiment today. Now instead of googly eyes, no races except standalones like the chocolate elves and cute elves have eyes. And I don't know what mod installed mystic elves, skyrim khajiits, tang mo, or the halflings, and undoing all my mods and retesting them is going to take a whole weekend, a rare commodity nowadays. And for some reason, all the addon races add 8 races each, which are slight variations on the face. and the Corean mod doesn't have the names correctly spelled or typed up. If I only had the time to learn the construction set like I learned Morrowind's and help everyone touch up their mods. I wonder what it would take to replace the vanilla races with all the pretty races people have made here - that seems to be half the reason addon races exist. I also noticed that so many of these mods require several other mods to work, yet so few authors are allowed to put the necessary dependencies into their own mods. I understand the desire to protect one's work, but at the expense of the creativity of the community and the creation of self-sufficient mods? I guess I'm just tired of downloading a mod, only to have to hunt down 8 other mods (and nobody links to their dependencies), which makes me have to hunt down 5 other mods, two of which are usually gone. 5 mods just to have women have tits that don't move like they've got cinderblocks or waterbags under their clothes? I'm starting to wonder if it was a good idea to get Oblivion out of the closet...


::insert audible sigh::


Yeah, as far as installing mods goes-it's best to stick to OMOD's for the most part. As far as I can tell, BAIN only works if the mod author put a bain installer in. With OBMM, you can make your own. Other than that...I'm not sure what went wrong, you should have every race and stuff should work. Some mods might have to be "cleaned" with TES4Edit; but I'm not really familiar enough with that program to give you any advice. OBMM has a thing where you can "sort of" clean them, but then you'll have to run BOSS and all that agian.

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