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Adding branches results in graphics glitches


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I was adding the brahmin pack to a bighorner in nifskope and had to add some extra branches (failed to map parent link etc). It was bip01 sack, spine, left neck, right neck, might have been another one. After I copied them the branches were named to other body parts, but I renamed them to the required names and long story short it looked fine in nifskope;



and in the model preview in geck. But when I dropped it in an environment I got a stretching glitch/artifact;



and this also happens in game.


I tried taking out the branches I had copied and leaving the pack in, then saved the nif. But when I try to add it to the bighorn in geck, geck crashes.


So I was wondering if anyone had any advice, bearing in mind I don't know how to use any 3D program like blender or 3Ds max.

Edited by devinpatterson
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