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Most Hated NPC?

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My top 3:



3 Maeglir: Useless whining coward. It would save me a lot of trouble if he would just /wrists and be done with it.


2 Glarthir: I did his quest once. It could have been cool but it really wasn't. Now I either kill him right away and loot his house or string him along a bit until I have enough evidence for the guards or Davide Surille to go kill him. "Someone must have gotten tired of his crazy behavior" Yeah, must have. *walks away whistling*


1 Arquen: After all the s&*% that just went down she has the nerve to greet me with a huge smile and a "Welcome Listener!" Worthless suckup. I've beaten her unconcious more times than I care to remember.



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I've never played as an evil character,never killed a person in game,even there were some nasty ones that really annoyed me.The only killing I did was the parts of the certain quests.I like my Cyrodiil to stay populated to the maximum,I even added some double population mods for the cities.It's nice to see our world crowded,alive,it's goo to enter IC Market after a dungeon crawl and to hear those rumors everywhere. :)


The only person I killed was the Gray Fox,after finishing the quest.Why?Because he was a lying,irresponsible idiot,a thief who tricked my character and manipulated through the whole quest,just to fulfill his own goals.Arrogant,two-faced idiot,who doesn't deserve the title he had,before he became a master-thief.


That leads to the beginning of my list:


I hate all the members of the Thieves Guild,thieves should be punished by cutting their arms to their elbows,so they can't steal again from people. :D


Except,Methredel,Carwen and Dynari.Those3can do whatever they want if you ask me. ;)




Hmm...I kinda felt sorry for him,despite him being a total freak.People who are insane needs help,not a sword into their necks.Well,only if the offer for help comes in the right time,before they get nasty.I didn't hate the guy,but I didn't liked him either.


Now Maglir is a different story,I did hate him,because of his lack of bravery,he was two faced as well,and a treacherous one,as well,it turned out at the very end.Enough said.


Ontus Vanin,retired battlemage from IC.Grumpy old man,with no respect for anyone,always against you whatever you do.His disposition to the character gets low for no reason,I discovered that,by engaging with him in a conversation after many quests.He is a pure wrench and deserves a nice package of fists delivered to his face.


Caelia Draconis,Captain of the Leyawiin Watch. A pure example of a farm girl who got her 'important place' which gave her benefits to 'cure' her complexes on the poor and disadvantaged.Classic example of a career woman who forgets her roots and her friends and family.


Countess Alessia Caro.She is nothing like her dear mother,no trace of discipline,order and dedication.She is a slimebag,using that poor old melonhead Marius for her own rotten fantasies and racist frustrations.She is a violent wench,who enjoys to watch 'burning and looting' and blood to her knees.


Mr.Motierre from Chorrol.A real wuss,ready to sell out his own blood just to save his own skin.Deserves a grave spot,right next to his zombie family.


Count Indarys of Cheydinhall.Spineless rooster,all flesh and no guts,he let the DB to get out with a murder oh his wife.

His son has more courage then him,even being a total tool,at least he went inside the gate and tried to do something,no matter what were his reasons,was it just fame or a real noble cause.


Uriel Septim.Because he wanted to conquer the whole Tamriel by the sword,without giving people their own choice.Tyrant.No wonder why the provinces want to part from Cyrodiil.Martin would be much better then his father.


Valen Dreth.Not because his little story at the beginning.It was quite amusing,actually.It's because of slavery.Slavers should be warming the coffins.


Falcar,the head of the Cheydinhall Mages Guild.It's not nice to play with others peoples lives,Mr. Mage.Especially if those people die as a result of your game.Good riddance.


The guy from the chapel in Bruma,I always forget his name...It's the guy who wants to convert Nords to Nine Divine bs,against their will.Paganism all day,every day,baby! Who gives a god damn about your lesser gods?Except Akatosh.Originally,Auri-El,Akatosh was a god that Ayleids worshiped,a true aldmeri god.


The guy from Bruma who teaches hand to hand. 'All I need is a piece of bread and Nine Divines to protect me' I actually liked him,reminded me on my uncle,who is like that,a true believer and a mountain man,strong with his fists.It turned out that Bruma's hardest fist fighter is a useless thief,a servant of that imbecil Gray Fox.


Janus Hassildor,Count of Skingrad.I liked him at the start,but his grumpy and arrogant attitude really left me no choice but to despise him.Yeah,he is a vampire,and a count,which is badass,but he is not the most important man in his world.And a 'master-wizard' like him should know more about his craft,not to fight with his fists like a drunkard.


The Preacher from KOTN.Full of lies,contradictory,vendictive cretin,who serves no purpose to the world,being the nine divine bible chaser,filling the heads of the citizens and those knights with pure bs about the 'real gods'.The only good thing about him was his positiveresponse if you pick up the option 'I seek no fame'.Shows that he has more or less good judgment.


And last and worst-Pelinal Whitestrake.


Blood-thirsty hot-headed tool,who did more damage then his enemies back in the days.He enjoyed killing the elves,even those innocent ones,without mercy,only because his friend was killed.Out of revenge.He didn't score anything with his actions,he deserves no place in the hall of heroes in history books.Killing a merchant at Sancre Tor in a duel,and ripping out his neck veins with his teeth? Killing an artist sculptor in a duel? Taking it on the disarmed while they are retreating? Wow,well done,knight-commander!He ended up as he deserved,sliced in pieces.and tossed around the world.Safe travels,cerio!


That'd be all from me. :) Good hunting!

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hard to decide as most chars are pretty flat and without much personality.. so there aren't many choices in the game really.. I'd say Glarthir but the dude's quest if probably the only Oblivion quest with RPG elements.. (*as in you get to have a say about how it ends) so I will have to go with Martin. That dudes sick, first he goes and "learns" about magic (while leaning toward the dark side of the force while doing so too) and then he becomes a dogooder god worshiping priest? Not to mention his sense of selfrighteousnesses... The dudes past goes from black to white and we're expected agree with his decisions just based on his blood?

The truth lies in the gray zone dude.


So.. there.. :blink:

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The guy in the Arcane University, I think his name was Raminus Polus or something...I don't like him, he's too stuck up. That and he treats me like mudcrab in the Mages Guild.

Oh yeah and I also don't like Mankar Camoran, he's one of those High Elves you just want to punch in the face whenever he speaks.

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I hate all the mage scholars.

when trying to talk to them, their only answer is:"Hmm? Yes, yes, I'm sure you've got something exceedingly important to say. But the Apprentices do not teach themselves, now do they? Good day."



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Chancellor Ocato.


-.- He never but ever!! he dont have a time to talk with me he is always busy. :verymad:


What kind of chancellor is that wont listen to people of tamriel.


Or perhaps, i should make(Mod that make him kill-able)


Then sneak into palace use knife and cut his head while he sleep. xD

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Chancellor Ocato.


-.- He never but ever!! he dont have a time to talk with me he is always busy. :verymad:


What kind of chancellor is that wont listen to people of tamriel.


Or perhaps, i should make(Mod that make him kill-able)


Then sneak into palace use knife and cut his head while he sleep. xD


yay i agree, though him only going unconcious means everytime he gets up, i can knock him back down!

by the time he usually gets his staff out ive already blown him out the chamber doors! and his guards are so annoying! i locked the main door and barricaded it with midas stone wall, yet they still come in!

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