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I think I screwed up my skills.


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As I can see, once I reach max EXP, I cannot level anymore major skills and get extra attribute points. I had two skills left till level up, I increased heavy armor 7 times(2 only counted), then used armorer 3 times and my attribute gain for the level up is only +2.


Since 2 of my main attributes are associated with major skills, it will be impossible to gain +5 Willpower and Endurance every single time. I can only make use of armorer so many times before im out of endurance based minor skills.


What's a fool-proof method? Should I focus on major skills of the same attribute only and fill the rest of my major skills with *fillers* that I won't make use of? So that way when im close to leveling up I know my Willpower or w/e will always gain +5 and I can then focus on whichever minor skills to get a +5 gain in that area?


Oh, and will using the console to change my class totally wreck my character?

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Conjuration is a bad choice as a major since it goes freakishly fast, or Destruction as you use it constantly if you're going as a mage. Skills like Illusion for either stealth or night-eye/light for just general use is one of my standard majors for any character I want intelligence on, or for a strength-oriented character I find blade/blunt slow enough even used constantly to be a good choice. Unless you want buckets of endurance/agility I wouldn't major in an armor type either. I just like to have a few major skills I will always use plus a few 'control' skills to keep my level in check.


Some skills l use to control stats very slowly are Restoration, Mysticism, Athletics, Speechcraft, and Armorer. As a rule I avoid having two skills of the same attribute as major unless I really want that attribute maxed quickly.


If you change your class it does cause your character's stats to revert to starting stats.

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Does it matter if im all Willpower later on? Won't it cap out quickly after being multiplied by 5 so many times?


So maybe I need backup majors later on after im done with Willpower. Since im a mage maybe some Intelligence skill?


Ah, planning ahead is so tricky.


Hmmm, you probably are right about Destruction Magic. I shouldn't major it as I don't always want to deal with Willpower every level. As it is already level 50 for me(and im only level 5).


But I do want to cap out endurace ASAP, but majoring is indeed stupid as I would level up like mad just trying to get +5 endurance every level.


What about Acrobatics? Who hops about like a bunny anyway? I want at least something Speed oriented I can boost from time quickly to time to get a +5 for speed(combined with a gang up wearing light armor). Athletics levels too slowly to make use of it to boost Speed.


Should I really aim for x3 +5 stats every level? Maybe at the start but when I start capping stuff it's only going to get difficult. As long as I have backup majors I can use to level up with easilly after capping Willpower/Intelligence/Endurance.

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Ah, planning ahead is so tricky.


Though admittedly fun. :3 I keep having to switch between OOO and Vanilla because I still enjoy how much planning Vanilla builds take. In OOO it's just like "Okay, I want these. Build done."


Hmmm, you probably are right about Destruction Magic. I shouldn't major it as I don't always want to deal with Willpower every level. As it is already level 50 for me(and im only level 5).


Really, Destruction rises far faster than you'd think. If you play an Altmer or Dunmer, you can even tweak your class so that it starts somewhere around lv.15-20 as a Minor anyway. :) And you don't want to be in that difficult spot where you're bludgeoning Dremora with a rusty hammer just to avoid leveling Destruction too soon.


Does it matter if im all Willpower later on? Won't it cap out quickly after being multiplied by 5 so many times?


So maybe I need backup majors later on after im done with Willpower. Since i'm a mage maybe some Intelligence skill?


If you're not using a birthsign that increases your Magicka, then yes, I'd say you need some Int. Not a ton, but enough so you can cast a sea of Destruction and not be sitting there dead after a few spells.


Should I really aim for x3 +5 stats every level? Maybe at the start but when I start capping stuff it's only going to get difficult. As long as I have backup majors I can use to level up with easilly after capping Willpower/Intelligence/Endurance.


For a perfect character, you need +5s every single level, yes. Realistically (and don't let any OCD controlled levelers know I said this,) it's not totally necessary. I mean, I went 30 or so levels with +4 and +3 stat boosts and I was still doing pretty well. There are lots of ways to balance out that stat deficiency, like enchanting equipment, becoming a vampire, etc. It's really not nearly as bad as people say -- though I assume it gets worse around the 40-50 levels?


The fact is, the game was not really meant to be played with +5 x3 every single level. It's still totally possible to play it normally, and if you make the build well you still get good enough stat gains to compete with the leveled enemies the game throws at you. Bethesda wanted players to figure out how the leveling system works, not necessarily how to break it. They won't be... egregiously unfair, at least.


TL;DR: If you want to fly through the game and find every item, every nook and cranny, etc, then yes, you need +5 x3 every level. If you're just looking for a nice, normal playthrough, then no.


What about Acrobatics? Who hops about like a bunny anyway? I want at least something Speed oriented I can boost from time quickly to time to get a +5 for speed(combined with a gang up wearing light armor). Athletics levels too slowly to make use of it to boost Speed.


Yup. Both make good minors. Acrobatics especially, since it gives you a good reason to spontaneously play "the floor is lava" in the middle of the city.

Edited by okappa
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As long as I cap Intelligence, Willpower, Endurance, and some into Speed I don't really care about the rest of the results. All that's really needed in the long run if your a mage that's trying to get by.


Well, Agility might help with all the staggering....


I got a plan going now. I can change class without a reset in skills. Just save/reload instead of clicking Done. I can't degrade my skills though without causing complications so they're stuck there.

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