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MOD help request


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Hey to everyone.


I am new to modding and I have just finished my first few mods. I will publish them after thoroughly testing them, since I am perfectionist and I hate bugs. Unfortunately, one of my mods seems to have a problem and since I am new to modding (only 2 weeks in), I don't know how to fix the problem even after trying everything I can think of in the last few days. So, can someone please take a look at my script and suggest a quick fix.



Dialog tweaks and some other things:

Description: The default dialog in Fallout 3 is totally broken with "unnecessary down the throat tough guy attitude" options, broken dialog trees where certain options appear before they should appear, answers and questions that don't make any sense, writing mistakes etc. I found another mod that tried to fix this on Nexus, but it is buggy and that's why I decided to fix the shitty dialog in Fallout 3 myself. Another thing I tried to do is make the dialogs more compatible with some mods that people use and are very popular here on Nexus. Like Deadly Radiation and Radiation Revamp, which makes radiation much deadlier. For example, when you use the mentioned mods, your radiation sickness can start already at 50, and in the default dialog Moira says that you need to contract 200 points to get basic sickness for her quest - I fixed the dialog so that she doesn't say how much points you have to get for sickness, which makes the whole dialog less game breaking when using the mentioned mods. Another thing that I hate in the game is RockIt Launcher, since it's incredibly retarded to go around killing people with a weapon that shoots teddy bears. That's why I decided to remove the whole weapon from the game and now Moira doesn't even mention it anymore. I hated Moira's character in the game. She is ... I don't know... weird. So I toned down her crazy remarks a bit, gave her 100 repair skill and I dressed her into leather armor, everything, just to tone down her "weird attitude". She is still crazy as they get, just not so much as in default Fallout 3.


PS. The mod is still not finished, since I am changing the dialogs as I play the game.


Problem at hand:

Because I removed RockIt Launcher completely from the game, I can't use the workbench anymore. I don't know what is the problem. I tried even changing the workbench script, but the only thing that helps is unchecking the mod before using the workbench. I know that there was probably a more elegant way to remove the weapon and the schematics from the game, but since I am new to modding (only been doing it for 2 weeks), I just deleted the weapon and the schematics from my esp, modified the workbench script and I was sure it would work. Later it occurred to me that I could have just deleted the schematics from inventories, but a little too late and now I am screwed. I already changed hundreds of dialog options, and I don't want to redo the whole thing.


Please help. Modified workbench script is below. As you see, RockIt Launcher is not even mentioned anywhere anymore.


scn SchematicsWorkbenchScript


;workbench to create customized weapons

; 1. Which schematics does the player have? Display as buttons.

; 2. If has items needed to create, do it; otherwise display "error" message



short HasItems

short Button


short item1

short item2

short item3

short item4


float weaponCondition

; calculate what condition the weapon is at when created


; how many of these weapons has the player made?

;short countBottlecap

;short countDartGun

;short countDeathclaw

;short countNuka

;short countRailway

;short countShishkebab


Begin OnActivate

if IsActionRef player == 1

; display message box of possible weapons

set HasItems to 0


if GetHasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDartGunNote == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote == 1

set HasItems to 1


if GetHasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRailwayRifleNote == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsShishkebabNote == 1

set HasItems to 1


if GetHasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote10 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDartGunNote10 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote10 == 1

set HasItems to 1


if GetHasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote10 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRailwayRifleNote10 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsShishkebabNote10 == 1

set HasItems to 1


if GetHasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote20 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDartGunNote20 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote20 == 1 ||

set HasItems to 1


if GetHasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote20 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsRailwayRifleNote20 == 1 || GetHasNote SchematicsShishkebabNote20 == 1

set HasItems to 1



if HasItems == 1

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsg


ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchNoneMsg






Begin GameMode


set Button to GetButtonPressed


if ( Button >0 )

; base condition is just repair skill

set weaponCondition to (player.getav Repair)/100


if button == 1

; bottlecap mine

; 1. check for schematics

if GetHasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote10 == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote20 == 0

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureGenericMsg


; 2. check for components

if ( player.GetItemCount LunchBox > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount CherryBomb > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount SensorModule > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount Caps001 >= 10 )

; 3. make it

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchSuccessBottlecapMsg

player.RemoveItem LunchBox 1 1

player.RemoveItem CherryBomb 1 1

player.RemoveItem SensorModule 1 1

player.RemoveItem Caps001 10 1

; Mines and Grenades are always 100%

if player.gethasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote

player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapMineBottlecap 1 100

elseif player.gethasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote10

player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapMineBottlecap 2 100

elseif player.gethasNote SchematicsBottlecapMineNote20

player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapMineBottlecap 3 100


PlaySound UIRepairWeapon

; increment count

ModPCMiscStat "Weapons Created" 1

set countBottlecap to countBottlecap + 1


;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40

if countWeapAchievement == 0

if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1

addachievement 40

set countWeapAchievement to 1





; 4. failure message

set item1 to player.GetItemCount LunchBox

set item2 to player.GetItemCount CherryBomb

set item3 to player.GetItemCount SensorModule

set item4 to player.GetItemCount Caps001


ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureBottlecapMsg, item1, item2, item3, item4

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsg



elseif button == 2

; dart gun

; 1. check for schematics

if GetHasNote SchematicsDartGunNote == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsDartGunNote10 == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsDartGunNote20 == 0

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureGenericMsg


;2. check for components

if ( player.GetItemCount PaintGun > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount RadscorpionPoisonGland > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount ToyCar > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount SurgicalTubing > 0 )

;3. make it

;message "Dart Gun created."

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchSuccessDartGunMsg

player.RemoveItem PaintGun 1 1

player.RemoveItem RadscorpionPoisonGland 1 1

player.RemoveItem ToyCar 1 1

player.RemoveItem SurgicalTubing 1 1

; calculate condition

set weaponCondition to (weaponCondition * countDartGunBonus)

if weaponCondition > 100

set weaponCondition to 100


player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapDartGun 1 weaponCondition

PlaySound UIRepairWeapon

; increment count

ModPCMiscStat "Weapons Created" 1

set countDartgun to countDartgun + 1


;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40

if countWeapAchievement == 0

if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1

addachievement 40

set countWeapAchievement to 1





;failure message

set item1 to player.GetItemCount PaintGun

set item2 to player.GetItemCount RadscorpionPoisonGland

set item3 to player.GetItemCount ToyCar

set item4 to player.GetItemCount SurgicalTubing

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureDartGunMsg, item1, item2, item3, item4

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsg



elseif button == 3

; deathclaw gauntlet

; 1. check for schematics

if GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote10 == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsDeathclawGauntletNote20 == 0

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureGenericMsg


; 2. check for components

if ( player.GetItemCount WonderGlue > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount DeathclawHand > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount LeatherBelt > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount MedicalBrace > 0 )

; 3. make it

;message "Deathclaw Gauntlet created."

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchSuccessDeathclawMsg

player.RemoveItem WonderGlue 1 1

player.RemoveItem DeathclawHand 1 1

player.RemoveItem LeatherBelt 1 1

player.RemoveItem MedicalBrace 1 1

; calculate condition

set weaponCondition to (weaponCondition * countDeathclawBonus)

if weaponCondition > 100

set weaponCondition to 100


player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapDeathclawGauntlet 1 weaponCondition

PlaySound UIRepairWeapon

; increment count

ModPCMiscStat "Weapons Created" 1

set countDeathclaw to countDeathclaw + 1


;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40

if countWeapAchievement == 0

if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1

addachievement 40

set countWeapAchievement to 1





; 4. failure message

set item1 to player.GetItemCount WonderGlue

set item2 to player.GetItemCount DeathclawHand

set item3 to player.GetItemCount LeatherBelt

set item4 to player.GetItemCount MedicalBrace


ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureDeathclawMsg, item1, item2, item3, item4

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsg



elseif button == 4

; nuka grenade

; 1. check for schematics

if GetHasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote10 == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote20 == 0

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureGenericMsg


; 2. check for components

if ( player.GetItemCount MS05NukaColaQtm > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount TinCan01 > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount Turpentine > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount AbraxoCleaner > 0 )

; 3. make it

;message "Nuka Cocktail created."

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchSuccessNukaCocktailMsg

player.RemoveItem MS05NukaColaQtm 1 1

player.RemoveItem TinCan01 1 1

player.RemoveItem Turpentine 1 1

player.RemoveItem AbraxoCleaner 1 1

; Mines and Grenades are always 100%

if player.gethasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote

player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapNukaCocktail 1 100

elseif player.gethasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote10

player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapNukaCocktail 2 100

elseif player.gethasNote SchematicsNukaCocktailNote20

player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapNukaCocktail 3 100


PlaySound UIRepairWeapon

; increment count

ModPCMiscStat "Weapons Created" 1

set countNuka to countNuka + 1


;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40

if countWeapAchievement == 0

if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1

addachievement 40

set countWeapAchievement to 1





; 4. failure message

set item1 to player.GetItemCount MS05NukaColaQtm

set item2 to player.GetItemCount TinCan01

set item3 to player.GetItemCount Turpentine

set item4 to player.GetItemCount AbraxoCleaner


ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureNukaCocktailMsg, item1, item2, item3, item4

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsg



elseif button == 5

; railway rifle

; 1. check for schematics

if GetHasNote SchematicsRailwayRifleNote == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsRailwayRifleNote10 == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsRailwayRifleNote20 == 0

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureGenericMsg


; 2. check for components

if ( player.GetItemCount Crutch > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount SteamGaugeAssembly > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount FissionBattery > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount PressureCooker > 0 )

; 3. make it

;message "Railway Rifle created."

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchSuccessRailwayRifleMsg

player.RemoveItem Crutch 1 1

player.RemoveItem SteamGaugeAssembly 1 1

player.RemoveItem FissionBattery 1 1

player.RemoveItem PressureCooker 1 1

; calculate condition

set weaponCondition to (weaponCondition * countRailwayBonus)

if weaponCondition > 100

set weaponCondition to 100


player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapRailwayRifle 1 weaponCondition

PlaySound UIRepairWeapon

; increment count

ModPCMiscStat "Weapons Created" 1

set countRailway to countRailway + 1


;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40

if countWeapAchievement == 0

if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1

addachievement 40

set countWeapAchievement to 1





; 4. failure message

set item1 to player.GetItemCount Crutch

set item2 to player.GetItemCount SteamGaugeAssembly

set item3 to player.GetItemCount FissionBattery

set item4 to player.GetItemCount PressureCooker


ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureRailwayRifleMsg, item1, item2, item3, item4

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsg



elseif button == 6

; Shishkebab

; 1. check for schematics

if GetHasNote SchematicsShishkebabNote == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsShishkebabNote10 == 0 && GetHasNote SchematicsShishkebabNote20 == 0

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureGenericMsg


; 2. check for components

if ( player.GetItemCount MotorcycleGasTank > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount PilotLight > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount LawnmowerBlade > 0 ) && ( player.GetItemCount MotorcycleHandbrake > 0 )

; 3. make it

;message "Shishkebab created."

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchSuccessShishkebabMsg

player.RemoveItem MotorcycleGasTank 1 1

player.RemoveItem PilotLight 1 1

player.RemoveItem LawnmowerBlade 1 1

player.RemoveItem MotorcycleHandBrake 1 1

; calculate condition

set weaponCondition to (weaponCondition * countShishkebabBonus )

if weaponCondition > 100

set weaponCondition to 100


player.AddItemHealthPercent WeapShishkebab 1 weaponCondition

PlaySound UIRepairWeapon

; increment count

ModPCMiscStat "Weapons Created" 1

set countShishkebab to countShishkebab + 1


;If the player has made one of each item, add Achievement 40

if countWeapAchievement == 0

if countBottlecap >= 1 && countDartgun >= 1 && countDeathclaw >= 1 && countNuka >= 1 && countRailway >= 1 && countShishkebab >= 1

addachievement 40

set countWeapAchievement to 1





; 4. failure message

set item1 to player.GetItemCount MotorcycleGasTank

set item2 to player.GetItemCount PilotLight

set item3 to player.GetItemCount LawnmowerBlade

set item4 to player.GetItemCount MotorcycleHandbrake


ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchFailureShishkebabMsg, item1, item2, item3, item4

ShowMessage SchematicsWorkbenchMsg







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