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  On 2/10/2016 at 6:46 PM, Karnich said:



Do you have any pointers to where it would be good to hook up to something health/damage related where i could call a method on XComGameState_Unit to adjust the units aim based on the current health?


Aka Red Fog..


been trying to get help for days :sad:

you could try overriding the "event TakeDamage" in XComGameState_Unit

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  On 2/10/2016 at 6:58 PM, Eladdv202 said:


  On 2/10/2016 at 6:46 PM, Karnich said:



Do you have any pointers to where it would be good to hook up to something health/damage related where i could call a method on XComGameState_Unit to adjust the units aim based on the current health?


Aka Red Fog..


been trying to get help for days :sad:

you could try overriding the "event TakeDamage" in XComGameState_Unit



thats actually what im trying to do but i cant get it too fire either..

class XComGameState_Unit_RedFog extends XComGameState_Unit;

function TakeEffectDamage( const X2Effect DmgEffect, const int DamageAmount, const int MitigationAmount, const int ShredAmount, const out EffectAppliedData EffectData, XComGameState NewGameState, optional bool bForceBleedOut = false, optional bool bAllowBleedout = true, optional bool bIgnoreShields = false, optional array<Name> AppliedDamageTypes )
	`log("-------------------FUNCTION FIRED!-----------------");
	if( AppliedDamageTypes.Length == 0 )
		AppliedDamageTypes = DmgEffect.DamageTypes;
	TakeDamage(NewGameState, DamageAmount, MitigationAmount, ShredAmount, EffectData, DmgEffect, EffectData.SourceStateObjectRef, DmgEffect.IsExplosiveDamage(),
			   AppliedDamageTypes, bForceBleedOut, bAllowBleedout, bIgnoreShields);

event TakeDamage( XComGameState NewGameState, const int DamageAmount, const int MitigationAmount, const int ShredAmount, optional EffectAppliedData EffectData, 
						optional Object CauseOfDeath, optional StateObjectReference DamageSource, optional bool bExplosiveDamage = false, optional array<name> DamageTypes,
						optional bool bForceBleedOut = false, optional bool bAllowBleedout = true, optional bool bIgnoreShields = false )
 	`log("-------------------EVENT FIRED!-----------------");

// The rest

This is what i got so fare.. but im not getting any log output or effect :sad:

Edited by Karnich
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Hello again, Amineri!


I have a question - is it possible to add a pre-made soldier to player once they load old save\start a new game? I want message to appear "N joined XCOM" and add a soldier whom I want to specify voice type, some face tweaks and so on (like Jane Kelly).



So I know where to start:


static event OnLoadedSavedGame()

static event InstallNewCampaign(XComGameState StartState)



Is what I am describing possible?



PS.Also is there a full list of events? Can I see it somewhere? I'd like to see more vanilla script to understand how their work.

Edited by TommInfinite
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I'm trying to add a slew of countries for my Game of Thrones Character pool. I have followed the youtube video that has a pretty good step by step instruction of how-to. However, when I go to save my upk file, I get an error:


The following packages have references to external packages:

(upk_name) [24 times]

External packages won't be found when in a game and all references will be broken.



so I saved anyway, built the remainder of the items in ModBuddy, but then after compiling, with no errors. I would go to the character pool, and would get an error when trying to select that country (Can't load flag texture), and the flag would not show up.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, I want to combine the character pool within the mod, I'm sure that's super easy, but I can't seem to find how that's done.



Edited by Caynn
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  On 2/10/2016 at 9:27 PM, shadowuk said:

yes because i use them in my pool :tongue: and yes they show up


So, I got into scripting. It seems to be hard.

How can I install a debug log? (now Mod buddy doesn't tell my why package can't be built) I read documentation and downloaded UnrealDebugger 64 bits from here (https://code.google.com/archive/p/unreal-debugger/downloads). I placed it into steamapps\common\XCOM 2 SDK\Binaries\Win64 and then started SDK with -autodebug. But it throws me an error that it is an unknows command. What can I do?

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