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How do I change flanking bonus values? I failed to find any lines regarding it.

Those can be find under XComGameData_CharacterStats.ini

XCOM Soliders and Turrets have a FlankingCritChance of 50, Enemies only have one of 33, there is by default no FlankingAimBonus
(by the by, I tried making an Absolutely Critical Mod since I absolutely loved the 2nd wave option in EU/EW/LW but the 33%s just did neither feel right to increase to 66% nor 100%. However maybe it won't be that devastating... right?)
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How do I change flanking bonus values? I failed to find any lines regarding it.

Those can be find under XComGameData_CharacterStats.ini

XCOM Soliders and Turrets have a FlankingCritChance of 50, Enemies only have one of 33, there is by default no FlankingAimBonus
(by the by, I tried making an Absolutely Critical Mod since I absolutely loved the 2nd wave option in EU/EW/LW but the 33%s just did neither feel right to increase to 66% nor 100%. However maybe it won't be that devastating... right?)


Hm, I found these values but it didn't seem do anything, so I changed it back and continued to search. Thank you, will test more.

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Hey Everyone, I'm trying to add a new pattern to my unit customization. Im fairly new at modding anything, really but I was at least able to add a new country flag by figuring stuff out. Could anyone at least point me to which script should I use when adding a new weapon / armor pattern?

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I would need some help with animation. My objective is to modify an animation but I can't figure out how to. I found the animation sets for the soldiers but I don't find a way to edit them. Does anyone who realized how it's done have any tip or could guide me a little bit?

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When building an immunity, how would critical be represented in the line:

DamageImmunity.ImmuneTypes.AddItem('Insert Critical Here');

Crit and Critical didn't seem to do it.


This is because 'Critical' isn't a damage type, it's a to-hit roll result. Damage types are things like 'Fire', 'Acid', 'Poison', 'Mental', 'Plasma' or 'Ballistic'. Each ability that deals damage will define it's damage type, so the set of possible damage types is defined implicitly.

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For some reason my weapon mod can be selected, but the model itself does not appear. Any clue as to what could be the cause of this? Just ask if you need screenshots of the script and such. Pic related is what's happening.http://i.imgur.com/ZruILEx.jpg


I've had this sort of problem crop up. Usually the problem is an incorrect archetype definition in the weapon template. Less common but still likely is a broken mesh link within the archetype (accessed through UnrealEd).

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How do I change flanking bonus values? I failed to find any lines regarding it.


Flanking bonus crit is now a character stat, so look for it in with the Soldier character stats (and aliens). This amount also varies based on difficulty.

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Well, I am still stuck with changing the XComMissions.ini and other through the SDK but well, I have been reading through the scripts a lot now in pursuit for other values with some success but I am missing four types of damage values:

-Acid Damage

-Burn Damage

-Damage from the environment (exploding cars, trains &c)

-Damage from dying/exploding enemies (like Sectopods)

I think I was able to cover any other type of damage, HP and Armor and multiply them by 10 without breaking anything (gave the first ADVENT 500HP) so all those could be balanced (it's just a tad difficul to to deal with these PlusOne which are not always 50, like, did you know? Default Frag Grenades do 4 damage instead of 3 with a chance of mere 20%), I'd really like to simply make them PlusTen).


Are those four by any chance depended on some variables? If so, where are those? I tried looking around, mainly around the X2Effect, X2Action and X2Ability but I don't see much regarding, well, numbers I could use. Funnily enough Poison damage is specified... and well, tbh I may be missing VIP's HP as well.


I'd have to do the same as you, and just search through the script files -- and I haven't tried to roundup all of the damage values to multiply them, as you are doing. You look to be on the right track. You might look at X2StatusEffects.uc for some of those. Also, X2Effect_Regeneration may need tweaking, since if HP values are 10x, then regeneration would need to be 10x to match.

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