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Hey Everyone, I'm trying to add a new pattern to my unit customization. Im fairly new at modding anything, really but I was at least able to add a new country flag by figuring stuff out. Could anyone at least point me to which script should I use when adding a new weapon / armor pattern?


For the most part this should be just creating a new art package in UnrealEd, then setting up the config files to read the new "BodyPartContent".

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I would need some help with animation. My objective is to modify an animation but I can't figure out how to. I found the animation sets for the soldiers but I don't find a way to edit them. Does anyone who realized how it's done have any tip or could guide me a little bit?


There aren't any significant animation editing tools within UnrealEd. The most you can do is time Notifies along the animation timeline (sounds, Kismet events, IK on/off, particle effects, etc).


To actually modify the animation movement itself, you'll need a separate animation application (Blender, Maya, etc). You can export the animations to FBX, then open the FBX in you animator, work with it, then re-import it back into UnrealEd in a new mod *.upk.


This page should be helpful : https://udn.epicgames.com/Three/FBXAnimationPipeline.html#Exporting Animations to FBX from Unreal Editor

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Hey Everyone, I'm trying to add a new pattern to my unit customization. Im fairly new at modding anything, really but I was at least able to add a new country flag by figuring stuff out. Could anyone at least point me to which script should I use when adding a new weapon / armor pattern?


For the most part this should be just creating a new art package in UnrealEd, then setting up the config files to read the new "BodyPartContent".



Hmmm, I did try that using an Archetype for another camo + the texture itself. It said that I had to set it up properly under the defaultContent.ini, so yeah I f*#@edup somewhere in my code (I have 0 experience with coding, I'm sorry, learning stuff through xcom2)

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Would it be hard to make a mod which keeps the aliens stats/difficulty as the Commander difficulty, but with the increased missions, number of enemies and investigation times as Legendary difficulty?
Ive never modded XCOM =(

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Would it be hard to make a mod which keeps the aliens stats/difficulty as the Commander difficulty, but with the increased missions, number of enemies and investigation times as Legendary difficulty?
Ive never modded XCOM =(

This may only require quite a few ini edits. I believe the bottom half of the GameData_CharacterStats.ini starting from [soldier_Diff_0 X2CharacterTemplate] handles those with Diff_0 being Rookie and Diff_3 being legendary. In your case you should only need to replace all Diff_3 with Diff_2 lines.


I'd have to do the same as you, and just search through the script files -- and I haven't tried to roundup all of the damage values to multiply them, as you are doing. You look to be on the right track. You might look at X2StatusEffects.uc for some of those. Also, X2Effect_Regeneration may need tweaking, since if HP values are 10x, then regeneration would need to be 10x to match.


Obviously I can not tell for the time being if I covered them all but I could indeed change regeneration abilities and their amount in the config. But about the scripts I am honestly still at a loss. I have the hunch that this:

static function X2Effect_Burning CreateBurningStatusEffect(int DamagePerTick, int DamageSpreadPerTick){
local X2Effect_Burning BurningEffect;
local X2Condition_UnitProperty UnitPropCondition;

BurningEffect = new class'X2Effect_Burning';
BurningEffect.EffectName = default.BurningName;
BurningEffect.SetDisplayInfo(ePerkBuff_Penalty, default.BurningFriendlyName, default.BurningFriendlyDesc, "img:///UILibrary_PerkIcons.UIPerk_burn");
BurningEffect.SetBurnDamage(DamagePerTick, DamageSpreadPerTick, 'Fire');
BurningEffect.VisualizationFn = BurningVisualization;
BurningEffect.EffectTickedVisualizationFn = BurningVisualizationTicked;
BurningEffect.EffectRemovedVisualizationFn = BurningVisualizationRemoved;
BurningEffect.bRemoveWhenTargetDies = true;
BurningEffect.DuplicateResponse = eDupe_Refresh;

if (default.FireEnteredParticle_Name != "")
BurningEffect.VFXTemplateName = default.FireEnteredParticle_Name;
BurningEffect.VFXSocket = default.FireEnteredSocket_Name;
BurningEffect.VFXSocketsArrayName = default.FireEnteredSocketsArray_Name;

UnitPropCondition = new class'X2Condition_UnitProperty';
UnitPropCondition.ExcludeFriendlyToSource = false;

return BurningEffect;


along with a similar line for the acid (further down the line) is it but I do not know what needs to be changed/a 10 slapped onto it and I already had a semester where I seriously tried to understand object-based languages, namely Java and failed miserably (my exam was blank). All I can tell is that

BurningEffect.SetBurnDamage(DamagePerTick, DamageSpreadPerTick, 'Fire');

obviously affects damage, somehow but that ain't rocket science. Oh and I can tell that

BurningEffect = new class'X2Effect_Burning';

tells me to look at that X2Effect_Burning as well.



Meanwhile there are less or rather neigh hints for me towards environmental explosion damage and the damage a dying Sectopod does.

Edited by SakuraKoi
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Hello guys, I'm new around the nexus, I felt kinda discouraged about creating a new topic about this, so I ended up putting it here :)


I'm a programmer and I've already worked on 2 personal game projects done with Unity and am currently working on a third one using Haxe Flixel. Since I'm new around the mod community I want to join a mod project/group instead of starting something by myself. Are there already groups around put together for modding? As a freelancer programmer I'm used to work remotely with other people.


Cheers and long live Xcom :)

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Hi again, Amineri!


I managed to launch XCOM2 modding tools (heh) and I made a voicepack. (with 15 voicebanks and all)

But game CTDs when I try to set it for a soldier in armory. In "Character pool" it works fine (I can hear the lines!).


So I noticed that vanilla voice pack (I imported it from on of the XCOM2SDK folders)has additional lines in the VoiceType




I found that SM00ENG_US corresponds with that .bnk file in "CookedPCConsole" folder. Also that voictype has no sound banks specified. So maybe it just links to that .bnk file and gets lines from there (there are 2 files : SM00ENG_US.txt and SM00ENG_US.bnk ). If I copy these lines in my voice type - game doesn't read my voicebanks so my character talks in voice from that vanilla pack (American Voice 1 US I believe)


Soo where does it put me? Nowhere. I can't recreate .bnk file.

Just reporting in case you or someone know how to solve that CTD.

Also is there any contact with tech support or something? Or can I only ask people on UEEditor forums or here?




Just heard from a friend just devs said it is something on their end so I'll probably wait for their answer (or the patch).

Edited by TommInfinite
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Hi again, Amineri!


I managed to launch XCOM2 modding tools (heh) and I made a voicepack. (with 15 voicebanks and all)

But game CTDs when I try to set it for a soldier in armory. In "Character pool" it works fine (I can hear the lines!).


So I noticed that vanilla voice pack (I imported it from on of the XCOM2SDK folders)has additional lines in the VoiceType




I found that SM00ENG_US corresponds with that .bnk file in "CookedPCConsole" folder. Also that voictype has no sound banks specified. So maybe it just links to that .bnk file and gets lines from there (there are 2 files : SM00ENG_US.txt and SM00ENG_US.bnk ). If I copy these lines in my voice type - game doesn't read my voicebanks so my character talks in voice from that vanilla pack (American Voice 1 US I believe)


Soo where does it put me? Nowhere. I can't recreate .bnk file.

Just reporting in case you or someone know how to solve that CTD.

Also is there any contact with tech support or something? Or can I only ask people on UEEditor forums or here?




Just heard from a friend just devs said it is something on their end so I'll probably wait for their answer (or the patch).

That would be me. From the RA2 Boris voicepack.

I don't think it will be a patch, probably a line of code that allows us to override the need of the AKbank

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I would need some help with animation. My objective is to modify an animation but I can't figure out how to. I found the animation sets for the soldiers but I don't find a way to edit them. Does anyone who realized how it's done have any tip or could guide me a little bit?


There aren't any significant animation editing tools within UnrealEd. The most you can do is time Notifies along the animation timeline (sounds, Kismet events, IK on/off, particle effects, etc).


To actually modify the animation movement itself, you'll need a separate animation application (Blender, Maya, etc). You can export the animations to FBX, then open the FBX in you animator, work with it, then re-import it back into UnrealEd in a new mod *.upk.


This page should be helpful : https://udn.epicgames.com/Three/FBXAnimationPipeline.html#Exporting Animations to FBX from Unreal Editor



Thank you very much! It was really helpful

However, whenever I try to import the .fbx to UnrealEd it shows up this message and crashes (It only does this with the modded file):



Any thoughs on what could be wrong?

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