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I want to change Shen’s outfit color. I have tried to do so but failed. I can’t find any tutorials for retexturing, and I can't find anything in the forums. I’ve managed to add an icon to a custom class I created, so I know it can be done. I’m just not sure how.

This is what I’ve tried so far.

I opened the Xcom Editor in the “Tools” section of the SDK. I found her textures and exported them to my desktop. Once they were edited, I went back to the content browser and reimported the textures. Then I saved the package. The textures now appear as the edited versions in the kit but they do not change in game.

I tried making a new package for them but I don’t know how to mod them in game. What should I do next? Please be specific, I am almost entirely useless with the SDK.



Another Problem I've had is with custom classes. I made a class and it works great in game. So naturally I wanted to create another. I created a separate mod and added it to the game. The class name and information for the second appears over the first, and the second class has no info at all. the skills and icons are correct.


It's not that big of a deal but I would like to figure out why it's happening.


Edit: Found the solution to the second problem. Forgot a "+"

Edited by aariq
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I made an interesting discovery when browsing through the Physics assets, I am inexperienced so correct me if I am wrong here but the Sectopod does have a ragdoll that is rather.... eh let's just say incomplete as it's skeleton is rather glitchy, or at the very least the main body is, so I am thinking it may be possible with some tweaks to replace the lame death animation we have now with a ragdoll, is this doable, Obviously we'd need to change the Physics asset as the one that currently exists is, as stated previously, a broken mess, but I for one love satisfying ragdolls and let's face it, the lame explosion we get now, isn't satisfying


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I'm having a bit of trouble extending a couple of the core template class types and I wondered if anyone here has run into a similar issue.


The problem is that localized text is not showing up on items using the new template types.


For example, if I create the new template class:

class X2CustomItemTemplate extends X2ItemTemplate;

Then I put a custom item template's localized text into XComGame.int:

[CustomItem X2CustomItemTemplate]
FriendlyName="Custom Item"
FriendlyNamePlural="Custom Items"
BriefSummary="A custom item."
TacticalText="<Bullet/> It does things."

And finally I instantiate the custom item template:

static function X2DataTemplate CustomItem()
	local X2CustomItemTemplate Template;

	`CREATE_X2TEMPLATE(class'X2CustomItemTemplate', Template, 'CustomItem');


	return Template;

The item will show up in game, but it will be missing all of its localized text with errors to that effect shown in the UI. If I change the custom item's template type to X2ItemTemplate in the .int and .uc files, the localized text will then appear in the UI.


Is this something anyone has run into before, or understands how to solve?

Edited by Lucubration
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I guess we will not be able to make this old thread dead. It was almost dead for a couple of weeks. Anyway, I guess this:





Well, that's just...


I think you said it best:



the localization text file MUST be named XComLW_OfficerPack.int


#@^)(#*^)%(! And furthermore ^&)%$#%%^ and #@$%)*#$% they #@$)%$(#*%)(. !



Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. That just about cleared it up, except that I had to not use the "XCom" prefix for the file name with my package name.

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Hi all! :)


I intend to resize a Soldier (already with its custom Pawn). When I resize it to 50% using "Display > Draw Scale" he always ends up small, but floating in mid-air.


Can you tell me where to offset him so that he is back on the ground (should be very similiar to your giant Chrysallids in LW)?

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Hi all! :smile:


I intend to resize a Soldier (already with its custom Pawn). When I resize it to 50% using "Display > Draw Scale" he always ends up small, but floating in mid-air.


Can you tell me where to offset him so that he is back on the ground (should be very similiar to your giant Chrysallids in LW)?


This needs to be adjusted in the Archetype, the XComUnitPawn / CollisionHeight is what I've played around with.

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Hm, I found these values but it didn't seem do anything, so I changed it back and continued to search. Thank you, will test more.


Huh? Works for me...



Did you close XCOM 2?

Did you start a new campaign?


Those are the most common causes I am aware of, in case a simple .ini edit does not work.


Has anyone found a way to change flanking Aim bonus without starting a new campaign?

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