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Mod Manager, FalloutNV.exe CTD startup...why oh allmighty FNV mod guru?


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I am using Mod Organizer (error in headline :/)


Why is is that starting the game with the FallouNV.exe or original Launcher doesnt work anymore, when NVSE and FNV4GB does?


I have just started using EssArrbee guide Fear and Loathing, with a fresh install ,and i'm at the ENB boosters section. So no acutal MOds have been installed yet, but all the other tools, NVSE + fnv4gb.exe with it's .dll

See my complete Fallout New Vegas directory in picture under.


PS. NVSE and fnv4gb is working like a dream, but isnt' one of the features of Mod Organizer that one is to be able to start the game vanilla with a profile?



Edited by nexuspolaris
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