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Killmove Button


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Never seen this, maybe it's not actually possible due to how killmoves are implemented, but the concept's pretty simple. Add a button that activates a killmove on the currently selected target (the one who's health you can see). It would automatically kill regardless of health (Maybe with an option in MCM that makes it so you can only do it if you could kill them with one hit anyway), and would move you to the correct position relative to the target for the killmove. Sounds simple enough, though, like I said, it may just be impossible, which would explain why I've never seen it.

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It is 100% possible and not even that complicated. I have set up a counter system based on that in a private mod of mine.


The limitation is the way killcams work. As in even if you force a paired animation to play (which is what killcams are) it will not play unless certain conditions are satisfied, e.g. relative angle between target and player.

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