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Overriding parent ESM/ESP navmesh in new ESP?


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Evening all. I've got some questions about overriding an existing mod's map's navmesh in a bugfix ESP.

I've been working for a few months on a series of addons/bugfixes to an existing mod.


The parent mod has an ESM that contains most of the maps, and an ESP that contains some other maps and most of the non-map mod data.


Some of the existing maps from their ESM and ESP need some navmesh work. There's some places where NPCs and creatures follow a navmesh that goes off through wall into an area that no longer is actually there or is now unreachable by the player. They walk through a cliff wall, for example, into a place the player has to TCL to get to, to kill them. And the level won't proceed in some cases without those clipping enemies killed off.


I spent some time last night re-navmeshing a mini worldspace from the parent mod's ESP. I saved my work, closed the GECK, re-opened it a bit later, and discovered that my navmesh of the worldspace had been cleared and the parent ESP's replaced. So all the work was undone.


I'm guessing this is the same sort of problem I ran into when I tried to delete something from a parent mod map and found it restored when I reloaded the GECK. In that case, I ended up just keeping the thing in the map and making it disabled - that at least worked, but deleting it entirely restored it.





In this case, what solutions are there?




Would I have to copy the entire worldspace or interior cell from the parent ESP or ESM into my addon mod via FNVEdit in order to have its modified navmesh not thrown out? Would that even work?


Would it possibly work for maps from the ESP but not those from the ESM?


Any options I'm not thinking of?



I've been releasing my work with the knowledge of the creators, but so far what I've been doing has been simply overrides and additions. If there's no way to do what I explained here with a simple override, I'll try to get the OK to copy the entire worldspace into my addon, but I'd like to avoid that. If that's the only option, I'll ask the modmakers' permission before I do it.


Any information is greatly appreciated!

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