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Trying to configure Deadly Reflex and Unnecessary Violence

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While trying to mod Oblivion, I've been recommended both Deadly Reflex and Unnecessary Violence. I finally got my load order right and my game runs fine now. However I have several questions involving the two mods.


I noticed that both mods have a Throw Button.

Do they do the same thing?

Is one better than the other?

If so which should I ignore?


Also by default the buttons for Deadly Reflex are:

Bash - X

Dodge - F (which conflicts with sheathing/unsheathing your weapon)

Horse Combat - B

Throw - V


While Unnecessary Violence has the following (nothing preset):

UV Attack

Throw (Should I set this to V as well?)

Modifer Key


Can someone suggest good keys for Unnecessary Violence?

The reason I ask is I don't have much experience with the Combat and want a good setup. Also I don't want to accidentally overwrite any important regular keys.


I didn't plan on changing the keys for Deadly Reflex (except maybe Dodge), but might if someone can suggest a better overall alternative.


If anyone with experience with both of these mods (running at the same time) could help me out that would be great! Otherwise, I think I might just disable Unnecessary Violence and only use Deadly Reflex


Thanks in advance!

Edited by gamerkim28
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