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Racemenu scar overlays?


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Hi, I'm sure most of you know about or are using Racemenu, and are aware of the "overlay" feature of the mod. We've seen some pretty nice stuff, like freckles, tattoos, warpaints, and more, but I'm surprised that nobody did scars. There is a body scar overlay available:




Body scars for racemenu





but what about face scars? Skyrim limits the character to 1 face scar due to how the system works, which limits customizability. The usage of the overlay feature can get around this(?). I'm aware of one mod that uses complexions to add an additional choice of scar, which is able to apply full face scars as well, as normal scars in Skyrim uses a mesh and applies a texture over it.




XCE - Scarface





This means an overlay would not only be able to create full face scars, but also remove the limits. Maybe someone will be interested in attempting something like this?

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