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Levelled Items and Chest Locks Not Working

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I'm writing an expansive first mod (and have been for some time :smile: ). It's mostly working fine, but I'm getting problems in just one of the interior locations. The location in question is very large, with an extremly high number of cells (40-50, and probably upwards by the time it's finished) which may or may not be the problem (can't be done any other way though). The problems I'm seeing are:


1) chests containing levelled items are showing fixed contents, somehow calculated at a lower level (possibly based on the character level when first testing that part of the location). After respawn, the chests are behaving correctly, but not on the first pass through. The same chest works fine when moved to a "more normal" location. When I get a chance, I'll try completely deleting them all and replacing them as a completely new chest added, has been known to work ok (simply replacing the chest using search and replace makes no difference to the contents).


2) similarly with locked chests. The chest registers as unlocked. Doors are ok - only affects chests. Again, the chests behave fine when moved to a "normal location". Not a problem as I can ignore chest locking in most cases, and have scripted around it for the one critical chest (behaves exactly like a normal locked chest, except you can't use the console to unlock it!)


3) I'm also losing sound on some of the teleport doors, but not all. All animated doors work fine.


Any ideas anyone? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I'm running with the latest patched oblivion.exe, shivering isles, etc. I'm working on a vanilla version of the mod at present, so no script extenders or anything are in use.

Edited by JohnC456
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A lot of these problems sound like they could be due to a "dirty save". Try deactivating your mod, saving, then reactivating your mod again. Or start a new character and have him/her go to your new area. Not sure about the door issue, though.
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Thanks for the help. Clearing and relaoding has cured the levelled item problem. However, locks on chest still aren't working, and no door sounds still for some of the teleport doors (I get sounds for locked doors, but not for the unlocked ones).


Any ideas anyone?

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Thanks for the help. Clearing and relaoding has cured the levelled item problem. However, locks on chest still aren't working, and no door sounds still for some of the teleport doors (I get sounds for locked doors, but not for the unlocked ones).


Any ideas anyone?

What method are you using to lock the chests? As for the doors, did you manually select the desired sounds for them?

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