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I just did the Knights of the Nine Quest's, so now when i go to the Priory of the Nine and speak to one of the Knights, i get the option to tell them to follow me. But only one will follow, when i say follow me, the option disappears for the other Knights. So what i'm wondering is if there is a way to get ALL the Knights to follow me instead of just one.
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I just did the Knights of the Nine Quest's, so now when i go to the Priory of the Nine and speak to one of the Knights, i get the option to tell them to follow me. But only one will follow, when i say follow me, the option disappears for the other Knights. So what i'm wondering is if there is a way to get ALL the Knights to follow me instead of just one.

Sorry, but it is programmed for only one character to follow you at a time. However, it may be possible with a mod but currently in its vanilla state, you can only have one companion. so the good news is its not a bug but the bad news is you will never be able to have more than one companion unless you get a mod which does so or you tweak the construction set

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Sorry, but it is programmed for only one character to follow you at a time. However, it may be possible with a mod but currently in its vanilla state, you can only have one companion. so the good news is its not a bug but the bad news is you will never be able to have more than one companion unless you get a mod which does so or you tweak the construction set

Not quite right... As KotN is a .esp file, you would have to edit the scripts in that file as one mod cannot reference another. As this is an official mod, you would have to do it yourself and be unable to share it with others. As I don't have any of the official mods, I'm not even sure that you can edit them in this way, and you may want to make a backup of the file before even trying.


As for actually allowing it to happen, that would depend largly on what the dialogue and scripting conditions are. As I don't have the mod, and have no intention of having it, I can't tell you what to even look for since Bethsoft doesn't seem very consistant with their methods. Basically, you have to have some idea what you're doing in the CS, and with scripting before being able to do anything like this. Even if someone had figured it out, you would still have to reproduce the work within your own copy.


It's all for the better really since more than 1 companion tends to cause significant issues with combat, travel, AI, and performance. Think back to the whole Kvatch episode where those guards that follow you constantly hit eachother with arrows, run off stupidly toward death, or get stuck behind doors and other terrain... now imagine that happening constantly. Also, with more than 4 things following you, entering any tight space tends to get you trapped.

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Sorry, but it is programmed for only one character to follow you at a time. However, it may be possible with a mod but currently in its vanilla state, you can only have one companion. so the good news is its not a bug but the bad news is you will never be able to have more than one companion unless you get a mod which does so or you tweak the construction set

Not quite right... As KotN is a .esp file, you would have to edit the scripts in that file as one mod cannot reference another. As this is an official mod, you would have to do it yourself and be unable to share it with others. As I don't have any of the official mods, I'm not even sure that you can edit them in this way, and you may want to make a backup of the file before even trying.


As for actually allowing it to happen, that would depend largly on what the dialogue and scripting conditions are. As I don't have the mod, and have no intention of having it, I can't tell you what to even look for since Bethsoft doesn't seem very consistant with their methods. Basically, you have to have some idea what you're doing in the CS, and with scripting before being able to do anything like this. Even if someone had figured it out, you would still have to reproduce the work within your own copy.


It's all for the better really since more than 1 companion tends to cause significant issues with combat, travel, AI, and performance. Think back to the whole Kvatch episode where those guards that follow you constantly hit eachother with arrows, run off stupidly toward death, or get stuck behind doors and other terrain... now imagine that happening constantly. Also, with more than 4 things following you, entering any tight space tends to get you trapped.


then how is it that this mod is possible?





Wouldn't you just be able to alter this mod and use it (as long as it isn't shared publically b/c it's not my mod)

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then how is it that this mod is possible?





Wouldn't you just be able to alter this mod and use it (as long as it isn't shared publically b/c it's not my mod)

Basically it doesn't share any of the needed meshes/textures/ect, and probably screws up alot more than it is supposed to fix. It still isn't exactly right since it conflicts with the official plugin, doesn't function as a replacement (since references and such would be wrong when switching between them), and is probably just as bad as someone making a mod of another person's mod without asking, then releasing it. While bethsoft may not be aware of it (since technically someone could get the mod for free if they were determined enough to just fix the file links), it is still a very bad move for any modder.


I however correct myself, a .esp based of a .esp is possible, it's just a serious pain in the ass to do and get working once, let alone severl hundred times, having to explain the process of making the form IDs of the mods match up. Not to mention that having another .esm or two enabled pretty much screws things over. While it seems that someone did try to do this to make changes to some of the official mods, there were a number of complaints about getting it to work properly. In this situation, I wouldn't considder it a viable option.


Just find another companion mod, or use "Toaster says Share" if you want more than 1 person following you. I wouldn't really advise it though (for reasons explained above).

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Just find another companion mod, or use "Toaster says Share" if you want more than 1 person following you. I wouldn't really advise it though (for reasons explained above).


I find companions can be very fun and rewarding if you're willing to put some thought into their maintenance. I don't generally have more than two, but I can do just fine with those for three reasons:


1)Decent system. 2 gb ram and a current graphics card.


2)Companion Mark and Recall mod. Recalling a companion easily cures pathing problems and getting randomly lost, which tends to happen a lot with CM Partners (though they have much more personality than Toaster recruits generally do).


3)And most importantly, I only use companions that are tagged essential. This is not a cheat because companion AI, even the smarter ones, is so stupid that they get killed in the first five minutes of every single fight even when at the same level as the Player Character, at least when using major creature-adding mods as I generally do. This way they are merely unconscious and out of the way instead of requiring me to load a savegame and lose time.


Of course, none of that may really be relevant if you're just looking for a crowd of disposable minions. Then you're better off with Toaster, but Vagrant is right (as usual ;) ) it really IS a bad idea.

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