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I Need Some Help Please


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I am working on a personal mod to make all the types of bodies that have been made for fallout 3 into wearable clothing. For the most part they work...


For some of the bodies I want to make the skin part into an actual texture - and give it the texture that goes with it. If I don't do that then the clothing item pulls the skin files from whatever body replacer I'm actually using and the textures get messed up.


The problem is I'm not able to change the texture in geck, and replacing the texture in nifskope causes a game crash....


Hard to explain...


Basically I want to turn the highlighted <Image> part of the outfit into a texture that I assign for it...I can't assign a texture in geck, and assigning a texture in nifskope causes the game to crash.


I know that by doing this it will make the body-clothing only one skin color but that doesn't bother me...I just can't figure out how to do it for fallout 3. Any help would be appreciated.

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I normally either set the texture in Nifscope NiBlock BSShadertextureSet\textures or in GECK by creating a texture set and assigning it to the mesh.


A friend of mine had trouble in NifScope as the path to the texture didn’t start with the word texture i.e. texture\foulder\texture.dds not \foulder\texture.dds adding the word texture from the keyboard solved the problem for him.

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I don't understand what you mean, I'm a tard.... Basically, no matter what I do, when I set the body as an armor piece the skin part still reads as skill and uses whatever skin texture my body uses -- rather then the texture I assign to it. I need to make it register the skin part of the " body " / " outfit " as cloth or something so that the texture I give it shows up...rather then it pulling from the skin files of my body.


How do I do this in nifskope or geck? :(

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"A friend of mine had trouble in NifScope as the path to the texture didn’t start with the word texture i.e. texture\foder\texture.dds not \folder\texture.dds adding the word texture from the keyboard solved the problem for him. "


The file isn't being named correctly my good man. if you don't name it correctly the game will crash upon equipping the item.

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I can’t see from the pic, but it looks like the mesh for clothing and body are all one piece. If that’s the case you either need to modify the Body.dds file in Paintshop or something as the clothing is painted directly onto the body or get a nude body mesh and add a clothing mesh over the top.

There are lots of nude body types to download on the nexus and lots of clothing mods to go with them.

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What I want to do is turn the BODY into a clothing item. I can change the texture on the clothes that are attached to the body fine...What I'm trying to do is make the body texture into a permanent texture.... right now when you load the clothing item in game and put it on the texture on the body piece is whatever your skin is. I want to make it so that it doesn't reference your skin, and instead shows the texture I apply.


I'm not good at explaining.


Basically, I need to turn a body into a clothing item and have it reference the texture I assign to it - not the skin texture the players body pulls up.

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