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Need help: NPC's after combat stay stuck or idle in combat mood


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I need your help guys!


Iam clueless about this issue:


After any combat is over, all NPC's and my companions (one vanilla and 2 custom), stay in idle combat mood, or stuck in the last combat animation...


They are still breathing, but they dont move, and companions dont follow me....


I can fix it saveing at that moment and loading, then everyone start moving again




Talking to each NPC's or companion



I even started a new game, but the issue is the same.


Yes, i have some mods, like 50, but few touch the combat AI, in fact only Combat Enehecements Package, perhaps Remote Control companions (but this one dont touch AI packages as far as i know)


¿someone can help me or give me a hint?


many thanks in advance


PS: Excuse my english pls!

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I've seen that happen to my follower because of a weapon animation in Fallout New Vegas. Same engine, same kinds of problems are possible. If you have a weapon mod that replaced the vanilla animations, you might try removing the kf files associated with the mod.
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I've seen that happen to my follower because of a weapon animation in Fallout New Vegas. Same engine, same kinds of problems are possible. If you have a weapon mod that replaced the vanilla animations, you might try removing the kf files associated with the mod.


Thank you for your replya rickerhk


Indeed, i have a weaon mod, apocalypse armory, and taking your advice, delated all the anims, but the issue was still present.


I will keep looking for a fix.


Thank you any way.

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It's funny I was having a similar problem last night - two followers would sometimes get stuck after combat. They were stuck in the 'combatTalk' AI modes where they say something after combat. Talking to them would snap them out of it. It started happening after I tweaked some ini settings in falloutprefs/fallout.ini

I put the settings back and the problem went away.

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It's funny I was having a similar problem last night - two followers would sometimes get stuck after combat. They were stuck in the 'combatTalk' AI modes where they say something after combat. Talking to them would snap them out of it. It started happening after I tweaked some ini settings in falloutprefs/fallout.ini

I put the settings back and the problem went away.




You are absolutly right!


Before my first post i used ShowAnimation (sa) command, targeting the actor, and always show that the last animation was "CombatTalk", for this i knew that the issue was about the las combat animation.


I delated all my mods with animations* as you adviced, but without any luck, now, since i read your last feedback, i restored the fallout.ini and falloutprefs.ini from a backup, then i redo my used tweks, like memory preload and such, and MAGIC! the problem is gone! :)


thank you very much! i owe you!


PS: Which settings you tweaked? just to know which ones caused this problem


*Apocalypse armory, Groovatron, UmpaAnimations, SomePoses by Backsteppo.

Edited by marioq70
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It's funny I was having a similar problem last night - two followers would sometimes get stuck after combat. They were stuck in the 'combatTalk' AI modes where they say something after combat. Talking to them would snap them out of it. It started happening after I tweaked some ini settings in falloutprefs/fallout.ini

I put the settings back and the problem went away.




You are absolutly right!


Before my first post i used ShowAnimation (sa) command, targeting the actor, and always show that the last animation was "CombatTalk", for this i knew that the issue was about the las combat animation.


I delated all my mods with animations* as you adviced, but without any luck, now, since i read your last feedback, i restored the fallout.ini and falloutprefs.ini from a backup, then i redo my used tweks, like memory preload and such, and MAGIC! the problem is gone! :)


thank you very much! i owe you!


PS: Which settings you tweaked? just to know which ones caused this problem


*Apocalypse armory, Groovatron, UmpaAnimations, SomePoses by Backsteppo.

They were tweaks in the fallout configurator - threaded blood, threaded this or that ;)

It took me awhile to connect the problem to the changes I made and by that time I was too irritated to experiment to see exactly which one(s) caused it.

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