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Elevators and Lifts


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alright, so I'm using This tutorial (and code, but I've fixed it to actually work)


basically I've got an Activator entity in the form of a lift platform moving up or down depending on button presses. the problem isn't anything in the functionality.

the problem is that the collision box for the platform doesn't move. just the platform's image.

I confirmed that by being able to walk on top of the collision box independantly of the platform (which was moving up and down at the time) and being raised off the normal ground by the collision box. (proving that its not just the platform being forced to clip through the character by setpos)


is there any way to make the collision mesh move with the platform?


the method which I've thought of, but not tried yet is to use an invisible marker entity instead of the activator platform, and use that as a target for a moveto function to move the platform, then use the fix suggested in the moveto page on the geck wiki (disable the entity, use moveto on it, setpos the same entity to the same position, reenable the entity)

all this in order to move the entire entity and all its functionality.....that might work. but its a pain in the ass to rebuild my (working) system into something that might not work.

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Why do you need a moving activator box? Can you put one box at the top of travel and another box at the bottom of travel?


How are you moving the platform? Do you have a timer loop which calls "setpos" to move it? Then it seems you can move the activator box at the same time as the platform.


I have done something similar with a moving ore cart at the bottom level of my mod The Most Dangerous Game. I have several objects which move in sync (an object and a noisemaker, which I wasn't able to combine into a single object for some reason). The approach of "setpos" works OK, except that when the object is moving, players can move "through" it. I suppose it is possible that an activator moved by this approach does not work.

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I don't think you can get the collision box to move. Which is why most of the elevators in Fallout use the illusion of movement rather than anything real ( I think). I did make an elevator in one of my mod resources (Vault 88) but it was using the same illusion of movement that Bethesda used. I also made a drawbridge for another mod, but I had to activate and deactivate static collision boxes to simulate the presence or absence of the bridge.


However, I do remember reading about someone who may have had the collision model moving, but it resulted in very jerky movement of the player when doing so. I recall.

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I don't think you can get the collision box to move. Which is why most of the elevators in Fallout use the illusion of movement rather than anything real ( I think).

how did they do it in oblivion, with the tower elevator platforms on the oblivion planes?

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I believe Oblivion handled moving collision a bit better than fallout does.


I have made moving collision, my resource pack includes an elevator that uses the illusion of movement but the outer part of the elevator does have moving collision.

If you stand on it the movement is very jerky. You could use the script that moves the platform up to move the player up as well. Side's sailing ships does something similar (but much more complex) in Oblivion.

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hm..useful advice, particularly the bit about moving players with the platform rather than relying on the physics model to do the lifting...I could place a triggerbox over the platform in which the script cancels out vertical motion relative to the platform....you'd not be able to jump while on the platform, but you'd be able to walk I think...


I'll have to have a shot at it.


for those wondering what I'm doing, some may recall my Vault resource pack, in which among other things, I cleaned up the Vault 34 Armory room and fixed the elevator platform on that, but it being a static model, I still couldn't get to the upper level of the armory...soo...solution is to make the elevator work.


another possible solution is to animate the model. so that the collision mesh moves with the platform as part of it all...but my animation skills are non-existent, if anyone feels like explaining basic animation for nifskope or blender, or pointing me at a tutorial which would help...that'd be extremely appreciated. I'm sure this is within my skill-level, I just don't know the process required to do it :P

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