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women have no bodies??


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I'd uninstalled Oblivion and deleted all the mods, so that I could install Shiv Isles with no problem.


After putting the mods back on, the woman guard in the prison was merely a floating head. I have a couple of armour mods on, and I think that before I uninstalled the game I had a mod that made there be more women guards or something.


For reference, I'm running:

  • OOO 1.31
  • Myths and Legends
  • Altessian Trials
  • No psychic guards 1.2
  • Ruined Tail
  • 300 Artifacts

I've also got a few small misc mods like Better Bell Sounds,but I imagine they're irrelevant.


Any idea what the problem is, and how I can get rid of it?


Any help would be much appreciated


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You'll only confuse matters with two identical threads in different places although I understand why you put it in both. I'll close this one for the time being unless you get nothing on the other one but do give it some time. In the meantime try turning mods off and identifying the culprit mod that way.
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