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Undo MarkForDelete command.


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Hi, my name is ualexen92 and I wonder if I can undo a deleted object

the object that I want to recover it are 132388 and ba075



there is no function to undo the command but there is a tools that my help me http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/838/


The idea is that I accidentally drop item "Distress pulser" to the ground and scrap it


The know bug related to this probleme is


  • There is a bug where if a distress pulser is dropped on the ground in a settlement and then scrapped using the settlement building screen it will permanently emit a distress signal.

I really need a solution or a mod that fix this think

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'enable' is curently working for the ref that I use 'disable' but sadly my ref is marked as delete "ref*[D]" which make me unable to enable... the object is still in the game but my save file say is deleted, thankfully save-editing my saving should do the trick but sadly I don't have the knowledge to know what to edit, anyway thank you for your answer.

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