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Could someone make a mod that respawns items in homes and shops that weren't in chests. Maybe it could respawn every 3 days or something like that because I find it very wierd that the cheapest of items don't every respawn. To clear a place out again I have to go in, redecorate the place, sneak out and rob the place the next night.


So could someone make a mod to fix this?

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Well which items are they?

I believe it is only items in chests respawn after 3 days, everything else requires that the cell be unloaded from memory (by not going anywhere near the cell for several days) even then I'm not too sure that things sitting out in the open ever respawn. There would be no way to script this process as you'd have to script each item, in its position and rotation individualy, or exploit the systems used for resetting oblivion gates (which has very limited uses). Realistically, selling clutter only makes sense at lower levels, once you get to higher ones, NPCs and others tend to drop more expensive stuff, and it's more than enough to keep you going. If you're just trying to get enough stolen goods sold, get yourself a high sneaking skill, some chamelion stuff, and go steal from guards (and other people who wear armor) when they're sleeping.

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