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[Mod request] Higher chance AWC?


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Hey there,

Back again :P In my game I noticed I only got effects from the Advanced Warfare Center at later ranks, so bad luck perhaps? I was wondering if there was anybody able to make a mod to increase the chances of getting bonus perks? It'd make it a more tactical choice to build earlier.


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I've looked into the code, there isn't a chance, you get one Hidden Talent, it's given a random rank between 2 and 7 (as defined in XComGameData, look for 'AWC') you unlock that ability when you enter the promotion screen ON that rank. If your soldier skips that rank without entering the promotion screen for whatever reason, your Hidden Talent is lost forever.

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'Isn't a chance' doesn't exactly seem likely in a game that's supposedly highly moddable. Seems like AWC really isn't all that good, depending.. I had several soldiers who I leveled each time they had a promotion, and the ACW was the first thing I built, yet most of them only got it near Colonel or Major.

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'Isn't a chance' doesn't exactly seem likely in a game that's supposedly highly moddable. Seems like AWC really isn't all that good, depending.. I had several soldiers who I leveled each time they had a promotion, and the ACW was the first thing I built, yet most of them only got it near Colonel or Major.

You misunderstod the reply.

It is random for each soldier at which rank the AWC perk should trigger.

If a soldier has already reached the randomly selected rank before you build the AWC then that soldier will never get the bonus perk.


The following lines in XComGameData.ini allow you to limit the random rank

If you for example change it like this:
Then all soldiers will receive the AWC perk when they are promoted to Lieutenant, provided that you were able to build AWC before any soldier was promoted to Lieutenant.
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Based on the OP's original problem: getting bonus perks mostly at high ranks

... and the replies of how the mechanic works, sounds like the answer would be a mod to either reduce the max rank as (sort of)suggested by Bertilsson or somehow "shunt" the roll so it has a better chance to roll a number closer to 2 and less likely to choose a number close to 7. And if you want, combine that with this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/xcom2/mods/149/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fxcom2%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D149&pUp=1


Personally I like the second option. I understand OP's complaint. I have several soldiers with bonus abilities that would have awesome synergy with earlier talents that I didn't choose. For example, I have a Ranger with the talent for going into overwatch if I use both her actions to move, which would be awesome if I had also picked the one to automatically hunker down if I don't attack. As is, it's pretty good, but with the automatic hunker down, it would have been awesome.


Another idea, though an overpowered one, would be a mod to add an option on the AWC to preserve a soldier's current bonus talent when using the AWC to reset them. Or at least guarantee they get a bonus perk after using the AWC to reset them. It's incredibly annoying to reset talents on a Colonel and then not get a bonus talent, especially on one who had a bonus talent before the respec.

Edited by onewinged20
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It seems there is a mod on the Workshop that allows it to come in, even after you have promoted a character, but that is interesting.. Thank you for the replies!

Is there any way to mod it so there is more than one bonus perk, per character? I know this may seem OP, but I love having options. :tongue: Or as the last post suggested, that is also an option.

Edit: The mod posted above was the workshop one. ^^

Edited by Squeecky
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