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Legendary Attachments and Items - New Rare Prefix Above Beam?


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I might be the only one wanting this mod to come out, but this game seriously needs an extra oomph to random loot drops and tiered armor and weapons.


If at all any of this is possible in the SDK then please let me know, i will glady work on this myself and learn the SDK if no one else decides to make this mod, and lets begin.


1--- On missions, with a percentage based on which mission you do "10% chance to drop legendary attachment in hostage rescue" to "30-40% chance to drop legendary item in disrupt supply line mission" will the items drop for you, this of course will be changed for balancing reasons if the prefixes for the legendary items becomes to overpowered earlier on... or not, who knows.


2--- When the legendary attachment or item drops from either a mission or experimental projects in the Proving Grounds, the square box around the item "in missions" should glow a different colour and tell you (something powerful and rare just dropped!), and in the Proving Ground, the pop up should be coloured differently (Say.. golden yellow colour?) to tell you you made a cool discovery!.


3--- Some prefixes include but not limited to:


-Custom set of armor (basic/plate/exo ect) with custom decals on it + battlescars what have you, with a limited description of who it once belonged to, and an example prefix of (gives the wearer +2 more health over standard armor currently worn).


-Custom attachment (All weapons) with custom decals + battlescars depending on item shown with a limited description again such as "Whoever made this scope sure knew how to shoot!", and a example prefix of (Gives the weapon attached to the ability Steady Hands)


Major note! the items given, apart from grenades and or utility items will be a one item use, so if you attach the legendary scope to a sniper rifle, you cannot use it again (unless another mod was installed that allowed attachments to be carried over from previous tiers). And armours dropped will only be aloud to be equipped on one soldier at a time, like exo suits ect ect.

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Good idea. It may be doable :)


Have you thought about reusable weapon attachments along with limited quantity? If for example legendary scope would drop only once per game, an option to mount it to another weapon is fine. Like in reality, plug&shoot. No need to buy new gear, if it's compatible.

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