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Help with Oblivion time (Quick reply please)


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Okay, so I am writing a story right, and in it the characters have crossed over to Oblivion, and one of them ends up sleeping with Count Indel Indrays of Cheyinhal, now they return to thier own world but the character Dani who slept with the count is pregnant by him, she wants to live in Oblivion and be the Countess, now I was wondering, since Oblivion time is very faster then Earth time.


How many days and months would have passed in Oblivion, when it's only been a week in Earth time? (Or two weeks), does anyone know? This doesn't include using rest because well it doesn't apply in my story.


And would you say a Half Dark Elf and half human baby come out faster then a regular baby? And especially since the half human would also be a warlock, powers from her mother.


And what would one look like?



So please reply, maybe today? Just so I don't lose my muse for my story before I write it


Edit: Also, would the rumor about Count Indel be true? That he had beaten his last wife up and killed her? Because Dani will be returning to my story and I wanted to have a storyline why she would come back (It's mentioned in Guide to Cheyindal about his last wife)

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well, I've always assumed that time flows normally in Oblivion. But Oblivion in general(may vary depending on who's plain you are in) has no day or nite, so time could be measured differently.


For the baby, half races usually take the race of the mother.


For the rumor, I dont think they ever say whether its fact or not. but It may be interesting to leave it unansewered. Have these rumors constantly bug the chariter, something like "too afraid to ask him, but to conciencious to ignore them".

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Hmm, I thought it would be faster then Earth, because when its been 5 minutes in Earth, it's like 10 mins in Oblivion. But another person gave a suggestion that since it's my story I could make it whatever.


Hmm that would be a good point but she doesn't know that, but I can have her friends in Earth discovering that fact in the game (In thier world, oblivion is just a video game).

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(In thier world, oblivion is just a video game).

Oh, you meant Oblivion the game, I thought you meant Oblivion the realm. I think its about a second or two is a minute ingame, so i guess its something like a day in real life is a mounth ingame.

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