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Area around Telepe causes frames to drop to 1-2 fps.


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The cell with Telepe (Aylied Ruin near Leyawiin) is in this cell. Whenever I am in an area where this cell is loaded and can appear on the local area map (2nd tab) my frames drop to about 2 fps and it will only return to normal again when I am far away to get it to be unloaded and appear blank again on the map.


If I toggle collision (TCL) with the console I can move around in the area without any problem and my frames return to normal. Turn collision back on and frames go to hell again. I've looked for items and bodies or anything unusual but can find nothing. Tried PCB in console but did nothing. Is there any way to reset this cell? I have been avoiding the whole area because of it.

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Have you done the quest involving it yet?


If you enter TCG in the console, does anything odd show up?


It sure does. You can't see it with geometry off but there are great big white blobs made by about a thousand white lines cramming box shaped areas in the air in front of the ruin and in the tress off to the side. Apparently there is nothing there but it seems like the game wants to draw something that doesn't really exist and is having a heart attack doing it.


With TCG off:



And on:


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I went through the whole area with clipping off and manually disabled every one of the blobs which turned out to be trigger zones, about 50 or so overlapping each other in each blob. There were about 8 or 9 of these things around the ruins and about 20 underneath it. Took me about half and hour to remove them but afterward my frame rate is normal again. Now I am hoping they don't show up again or that removing them may have caused other problems.
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