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question about a mod


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I was playing with a weapons mod of a cool rifle it came with 3 mods and was in Doc Mitchells back yard in a footlocker. It also came with 3 different ammo's.

for the life of me I can not seem to find it again. This was about a week ago and had problems with hard drive and lost everything and now that I am back up

and running been looking for this mod. Sorry for not being more helpful but if anyone knows this one mod can you please help me find it.

Thanks.....it seems to look a lot like the bozar but i can not find it. I found the bozar mod but it was not it.

Edited by sirjohn45
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The Barrett M82 perhaps? Here

I looked and it was found in doc mitchells house the mod I had was found outside in back yard of doc mitchells. it came with 3 mods,

3 ammos, 1 was incinderary, 1 was exploding rounds of some kind and can not remember the other one. it had an ammo case on the

left side. This is really annoying for me. I have been looking all over fnv nexus...

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