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My eyes are gone. Along with every other NPC.

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Hey guys, this is my first post on the tesnexus forums, just to point out, and I need help. I downloaded the mod named "Raziel in Tamriel"


which requires Cosmetic Compilation



I downloaded and installed cosmetic compilation, followed by Raziel in Tamriel, and not only my character looked absolutely NOTHING like Raziel does in the screenshots, everyone, including myself's eyes have disappeared and are just empty transparent holes. Although Argonian eyes seem to be just black.


I have tried disabling every mod i have downloaded so oblivion is just vanilla again pretty much, and the eyes are still gone.


can someone help me out here please? I really want my eyes back, and i'm sure every other person in cyrodiil does too!


thanks :)

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How many eye mods are you using? this usually happens when two different eye mods age not compatible with each other, or there are two mods in one like a low resolution and a high resolution, and you accidentally install both at the same time.

make sure you read the readme files that come with the mod, most of the time you can find the answers with in there.

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