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Archiveinvalidation major woes


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As the title suggests i cant see so get any archive invalidations to work ive tried the i think its quarns one and ive tried the "new" mod manager and yet im still coming across those cursed yellow diamonds in places, namely with reapers arcane university (they are everywhere outside) and also the superman suit is a set of diamonds. Please help this never used to go wrong on my old xp computer all you had to do was turn on the mode in the old OBMM and away you'd go.
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The yellow items are usually a missing mesh. First thing to do is look in your data folder and see if the meshes are there. If you notice that you have a data folder inside the data folder, something was not installed correctly. If you don't see the meshes that came with the mod in the meshes folder, something is wrong. I take it some of your non-vanilla textures are showing up?
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