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how will oblivion run on this pc?


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"I doubt the difference between the 7600GS and GT are significant enough to be worth the price tag."


There is a big difference between the 7600GS and 7600GT. The 7600GT is up to 30% faster than the GS in some games. 400W power supply should be large enough for the card as well if that is what you decide to go with (though more is always better).









Not sure either where you got the notion the 1950GT is cheaper. It shouldn't be. The 7600GT is one of the best price/performance cards available at the moment, as they can be found for $100 or less.


Since overclocking has been mentioned, be aware that for $100, the 7600GT is built on the G73 core, and G73 (or any G70-based core) overclocks like a bat out of hell. 1950 on the other hand is pretty much at its limit out of the box. So, once you overclock both cards, the performance difference isn't probably as big as one might think. (Though to its credit the 1950 does run on twice the memory bus as the 7600, at 256 vs 128). Just my two cents.

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