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Remington MSR modular sniper rifle


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Hello everyone!

First of all I apologize for my bad English, I make many mistakes but always try to make me understand.

I looked almost everywhere a MOD that concern a stand alone sniper rifle, but there are almost exclusively MOD that improve the vanilla rifles.

given that in the community there are people with talent to spare I wonder if there is anyone who wants to try out this rifle:http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj230/craigklee/remington_msr-brochure-6.jpghttp://truthaboutguns-zippykid.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/P1150641-900x601.jpg

Thanks in advance for answers

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online I found several 3D models, the problem is they are not animated


This for example is done quite well, the question is, is difficult to animate a model made by someone else?
(Do not look at the fact that the author wants the money, I found many free although of lesser quality)
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Based on quick comparison with http://gaming.thedigitalfix.com/protectedimage.php?image=EddHarwood/SniperGhostWarrior2_Jungle.jpg_03122012, that model seems to be ripped from Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2, like is the case with large portion of other models available at tf3dm that have been ripped from various games. It shares certain details especially with the scope and silencer with the one used in that game, and the author has also loaded several other weapons that appear in that game, so whilst I didn't load the model, I'm pretty sure that isn't legally usable in a mod.

Edited by Junnari
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