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Configs reset on every startup


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Having a strange problem: some settings, namely video and DarnUi settings, reset every time I restart Oblivion.


Some of the video settings that are being reset are:

- Water reflection

- Bloom/HDR


Some of the DarnUI settings that are being reset are:

- 3rd person crosshair

- Quest markers


I'm running a few mods, including OOO and the Unofficial Patch (can give full list if necessary). Also patched to latest version whatever that is (downloaded the patch a couple of days ago).


Any help would be appreciated as its a pretty tedious glitch. I'd imagine the fix may be something quite simple, but I'm generally pretty optimistic like that...

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The DarnUI settings has to be edited in some kind of .ini file I think. It doesn't save the changes ingame, at least when I used it.


But for the video settings, do you have any FPS optimizers for Oblivion?

Edited by Naith
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DarnUI gets the settings from various xml files that it installs in your Data folder, and as Naith indicates, doesn't save settings set while in-game. Many of the main settings are stored in hudmainmenu_config.xml. Such as scale, position of bars, icons, and enabling 3rd person crosshair.
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