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an Oblivion Estate Company


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I like houses.They provide a place to rest and do something else other than slashing monsters or carrying an assortment of almost everything to anywhere I go.And facilitate my adventures.But they can't be too more and ill distributed.so I think this house building movement need some organization.


Why can't those house builders get together and form an house company?Make a combined house mod that blend their distinct houses throughout the land in a house selling and maintaining independent organization.there is intense potential in quests,NPCs etc.


I have downloaded CS.After a short tutorial I realized that modding is really a consuming work.My idea is interesting and instant but modding is a weary long time clicking and reviewing labor.


And almost every player have their ideas.They want to make their own mod.The impulse that inspired them to creat a mod is the excitement of creativity and imagination.These aren't compatiable with assistant work.So it is not likely that there are many assistant avalable for modders.But they can exchange their labors.


There are plenty of interesting MODs that are either incomplete or bug infested.These were most because of lack of labor I believe.If they work together.An author can get others help in making his own mod.The others will mainly help him do those trivial job.Then the Author can focus his energy on those really interesting thing that originally inspired him.And he will help other people do their work as return.Everyone make part of the mod as their assignment.And test each others mod rather than go through their own too familiar mod repeatedly.


Otherwise those ideas may be overwhelmed by those boring trivial work and extinguished before its realization.

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I have dicovered that I can only make a mod worthy of publishing if I can do it all in one sitting. Otherwise I get bored and loose the initial spark that inspired.
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People generally do housing mods as part of learning how to use the CS. A semi-decent housing mod requires a fair bit of effort and planning, and can be good for getting people started with light scripting, NPCs, leveled lists, quests, spells, and other stuff which they would need to know how to do to make most other mods. It also lets them have a place they can store their stuff in game while they learn and make it better. As much as I hate to admit it, I learned most of the basics while doing housing mods in Morrowind. I never released anything, but they were crap anyway.


Point is that the reason why it seems there aren't many outstanding housing mods, or much coordination between them is because most of the people making them are new to modding. People generally don't work together on mods like this since there is always disagreements and trying to coordinate work on a single .esp is more time consuming than doing everything on your own (if you can). Once you know what you're doing, a simple house with a couple NPCs, containers, and lights can be done in a couple hours. The more time consuming parts tend to deal more with adding fine details (like books to a chelf) which can prove very good practice for figuring out physics and how to position stuff accuratly.


There is however a collection of excellent housing mods over here. Some of them are just plain cool. While they don't quite capture what you're going for as each house is done by individual people, having them in all one place like that makes it easier to decide what you want to use.

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I think by cooperate there will be more mods and better quality and less conflict.And everyone know team work is more efficient though.


If we regard houses as some useful plugins in game.Then I think an adventure area should be only one house.A company like this can scatter their different houses in different places.I think an interesting house center mod is viable. :happy:

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