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underwear and flip flops


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i would like to ask:


how can i make a replacement of the standard female underwear for the STANDARD body shape and how to make items like shoes/flip flops.

i couldnt find any really interesting underwear (black tanga) or flip flops till now.

the problem with new bodyshapes is, that there are many inconsistencies, for example that the hands look different from the torso and so on ( for pcs & npcs) , so i think that its better to use the standard shape for modding clothes for it,

if you know where i can find normal lingerie (thong) or flip flops than plz tell me the link



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It wouldn't be technically possible to make a thong for the default body, at least not easily. There is nothing under the default underwear so you would have to make the relevant body parts from scratch to go with the thong.


If you want to learn to model, you will need a program like 3ds Max, Maya or Blender, a bunch of tutorials, and a willingness to spend hours and hours of your time learning to do it.


Most body mods don't have hand/torso problems if you use one that replaces all the game clothing and armor (such as BAB).

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Hmm, that doesnt sound good, that there is completely nothing under it.

It would be so simple if there had been a complete nude body like it is in reallife! People/Children know what titts or a girlfriend look like anyway!


Why do they (gamemakercompanies) make things so complicated? Only because they want to sell the game to under 15 years old people? Porn, sexuality, nudity and so on are so wide-spread in real life and esp. in the youth, that the law maker should reconsider his decision to forbid everything for the youth which contains nudity. Besides this, it sells best, because its the sexual drive, which leads to economic, cultural, social activities. without sex, no books, no games, no magazines, no tv shows, no fotos, could be sold and noone would even go to the world youth day, where they only go to meet sexual partners, at least the awesome looking, young, dynamic majority!

Go on the street and you will be shocked in which clothes people run around, i dont mean 20 yrs. old students, but children! :-). Universities are another story: the angel-like looking/clothed young female students who sit on the ground or on the benches and look as if they would like to sell their bodies. But don't you dare to talk to them, if you dont look like Brad Pitt! (at least its in Germany like this)

There is already no equality between men and women, so we should make a shift towards more rights for men. OH, that was greatly off-topic.


I installed blender and some enhancements for it, but its still not running and no one can help me. Above all, some important links are broken, so its not completely installed (bsd packager?) . Do you know what I exactly need for starting it to work?

I`ve the willingness to model, but only if the programe works.


I tried to download the bab mod, but EVERY link i ve chossen, is broken, i mean every single link!

Do you know where i can find it? the creators site and the filefront links dont work at all!,



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I believe it is because they would have a harder time trying to get bodies without underwear past ESRB (or similar groups). The fact that the devs aren't overly perverted probably also adds to it. Since the models would have to have underwear anyway, why add to the system requirements by having all the polygons beneath it in existance, but never to be seen? If you do it there, why not add a full nude body beneath every article of clothing? Simple, performance and clipping issues. Fewer polygons rendered (even the ones that aren't in line of sight) means faster framerate. Having nothing behind polygons mean that they can deform without any pieces of skin poking through. Not having to weight, or structure meshes around such deformations means less work, and fewer polygons (since you can use larger ones on the clothing). As is Oblivion is one of the more resource dependant games released in the last year, and they had enough problems finishing what they had in time for release.


If you want to look at naked skin, use pornography, there's an internet full of it. The purpose of body mods is to make the body look smoother, and generally look better.

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