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need some models for building


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ok, so im looking for a new set of models to use for a base im making, i want the look of "fresh-poured" concrete, so very plain and well, concrete looking. i know it doesnt really fit the whole lore of Fallout but i would like to think that its been a long enough time to where people would know how to make concrete by now. anyways, i would like a complete interior/exterior for my mod, just the basics though: floor, wall, corner, ceiling, door opening(only need one size), outside wall, outside corner, ouside roofing(flat so you can make 2 story buildings). i think that would be all i need.


i dont really know if anyone would be interested in it also, but maybe a pillbox type fortifacation too. just the simple WW2 style pillbox nothing fancy, i would like to be able to shoot out of it though.


i dont know how i could repay you for doing this, but i will definately give you kudos for it and give you a BIG thanks in any mod i make where i use it.


Thanks again,


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ok, thought i should have pput some up, here is a classic "pillbox" from WW2





that is basically what i want just bigger windows. doesnt matter what the inside looks like.


there is a wall in DLC03(broken steel) that has barbed wire on it that would look excellent for the walls and such, i cant find any pictures of what the concrete might look like, but concrete really only has one look, plain white/grey.


anyways, thank you for reminding me about the pictures. hope they help

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