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Ok! So I got it all running, it LOADED successfully, haha. I actually created my character....But now I ran into another problem, naturally, which i'm not having any luck fixing on my own. And so I come back to my modding guru's for help!


Ok, first of all, a couple of the races on creation have black skins/faces. I'm guessing the mesh/skin/whatever it needs was not loaded or had some interference. I'm had the problem once before, and I simply recopied the folders for the textures, meshes, etc and it resolved itself. This time that is not working. I have three of those Khajit races blacked out, and a couple others. There is most likely a conflict between more than one race file...maybe? Anyway, if i could just find the textures and meshes or whateer i need for those races, i would be fine. If anyone can help me out there, I'd appreciate it.


The second one is all the containers are missing and big wierd yellow things are there instead saying " OMG, I'm missing a mesh?" I have no idea where to find these meshes or why they aren't loading....any help on that is welcome. The other one isnt so crucial, but no chests would seriously impair the game experience.

Thanks again for all and any help, advice.

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Do you have Archive Invalidation activated? If not, turn it on



I downloaded the file you said, though it wasn't listed as that once I downloaded it, so I' wondering if it was the wrong one. I tried several times and got a file saying Installer version (which is listed as v1_4_0_OMOD_version-10739 in OMM). I activated it, but it did not fix the problem at all.

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OBMM has a built in Archive Invalidation. Look for it under utilities. When it's found, set it to universal mode and apply changes



Alright, I have done as you said. I found it in OBMM, set it to universal and then updated it. I tried loading my old game and starting a new one, both still have the Yellow star things in the place of containers.

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The default in OBMM is redirection. I would highly advise people to try that one first. As for Universal...this is from one of dev_akm's original FAQs:


"Many people claim to use a "universal" or "global" ArchiveInvalidation.txt. However, extensive testing by numerous people has determined that this approach does not work at all. It is the same as running with no ArchiveInvalidation.txt file. If someone offers advice saying you should use a file like this:


code:meshes/ s

textures/ s

sounds/ s

Don't believe it. It's a great urban legend, but it doesn't work."


I have not seen anyone recommend universal anywhere on these boards, the Bethesda boards, or any other standard resource. That method was extensively tested a long time ago, and apparently it just does not work at all.


Here is a FAQ which discusses the different methods:



Missing meshes generally mean the meshes are not installed correctly. If you have a data folder within your data folder, something is wrong. That is where missing meshes often end up, due to OMODs that are not formulated properly. Look in your meshes folder and see if the meshes for the mod are in there. If you have multiple race mods, you will probably need to use Wrye Bash to resolve conflicts, or remove some mods. There is a great visual Wrye Bash tutorial in the images tab here:

Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide

You don't even need to download it, just view the pictures. Make sure you click Race Records when building your bashed patch.

IMPORTANT. You must have a correct load order before you build your bashed patch. Download and run BOSS from within Wrye Bash. BOSS will reorder your mods correctly.

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The default in OBMM is redirection. I would highly advise people to try that one first. As for Universal...this is from one of dev_akm's original FAQs:


"Many people claim to use a "universal" or "global" ArchiveInvalidation.txt. However, extensive testing by numerous people has determined that this approach does not work at all. It is the same as running with no ArchiveInvalidation.txt file. If someone offers advice saying you should use a file like this:


code:meshes/ s

textures/ s

sounds/ s

Don't believe it. It's a great urban legend, but it doesn't work."


I have not seen anyone recommend universal anywhere on these boards, the Bethesda boards, or any other standard resource. That method was extensively tested a long time ago, and apparently it just does not work at all.


Here is a FAQ which discusses the different methods:



Missing meshes generally mean the meshes are not installed correctly. If you have a data folder within your data folder, something is wrong. That is where missing meshes often end up, due to OMODs that are not formulated properly. Look in your meshes folder and see if the meshes for the mod are in there. If you have multiple race mods, you will probably need to use Wrye Bash to resolve conflicts, or remove some mods. There is a great visual Wrye Bash tutorial in the images tab here:

Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide

You don't even need to download it, just view the pictures. Make sure you click Race Records when building your bashed patch.

IMPORTANT. You must have a correct load order before you build your bashed patch. Download and run BOSS from within Wrye Bash. BOSS will reorder your mods correctly.



Well, thank you for the reply, first of all. Secondly...have tried as you said and switched it over to redirection. I have noticed some things working correctly now, but those darn yellow things are still there, so that must not have been the problem. I look in my folder and sure enough, a data folder nestled in there. I brought out the folders and put them in the main data folder, but it still did not resolve the issue. I guess the Wrye Bash is next.. here goes nothing.

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If you had a data folder in the data folder, you may need to reinstall the mod that the items in that folder were from. BOSS and Bash should definitely help if load order and race mod conflicts are part of your problem.
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If you had a data folder in the data folder, you may need to reinstall the mod that the items in that folder were from. BOSS and Bash should definitely help if load order and race mod conflicts are part of your problem.



Yea, i am hoping. I'm having a lot of trouble getting the files, period, haha. Slow connection. but i'm slogging through it all. I'll let you know if i ever figure out what it is/was exactly that's gumming up the works.

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You said it was mainly chests and such showing the "missing mesh" marker? Did you by chance install one of the big overhauls or something related and didn't also download and install their resources? I've read there were some issues with people missing these for FCOM, MMM, or OOO. What's also not unlikely is the mods altering those chests work with files from inside their own BSA archives. Those now don't load because either they weren't properly registered in your Oblivion.ini or the steps to get them to auto-register as documented in the readmes were not taken. In Oblivion BSA files starting with the same name as one of your loaded plugins are automatically loaded without registration in your ini, but certain overhauls had a change in their plugins' names and now the BSAs have to be renamed as well first. A BSA file missing or not loading is just like missing a disc. There will be missing meshes or textures aplenty.
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