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Readable Books


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as in, for this super energy weapon, you have to look in the rubble to find the book so you can figure out how to use it? when you read the book, it gives you a perk like power armor so you can use it


Well for background too, its always nice to have a history for a fallout item, helps create immersion

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if anyone wants to help out let me know, its actually wicked easy to make once you do one (i even gave the code a few post back)
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Here's an idea: why not make a mod page and make each book (or collection) an optional file with the file download description providing a useful summary of what each book/set is about.


Then you could make your first downloadable file a book (or books) about how to make books and add them to the collection.


That way you could have a one stop library and it would be easier I think to coordinate collections, if two or more contributors wanted to combine their books into one plugin.


To keep things sane, contributors could limit themselves to one downlaod file each that would have to contain all their books in the archive, even if it had multiple plugins in the archive, just to keep the Nexus page somewhat sane.


Anyone have thoughts on this?

Edited by drakeelvin
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thanks for the link, i will look into that. I think making a library with all the books we make would be a good idea. Drake i will make the page and give you rights to edit and upload. when we think we have enough books for our first real release, we could make a library, add the books in one big merged esp.
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