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I need help, please!

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OK, so I ``got hold of´´ this game. I put the CD in, installed the game. But it didn't work right, so as foolish and reckless I am I deleted all the F-ing files without uninstalling. So now i can't uninstall because the files are missing and then i cant install because it's already installed. :wallbash: It's like an infinite circle of evil!


Help me, I'm desperate! I'm going F-ing CRAZY!! :sweat: o_O

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What game? It's kind of hard to help if you don't tell us what we are working on. You posted this in the Hardware & Software forum where questions about hardware and non game software are discussed. It should be posted in the forums for the particular game you are having the problem with. I could move it, but I don't know where to put it.


Also, please read the terms and conditions FIRST as you have already managed to bend a rule.

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I'm not familiar with Neverwinter Nights, however, The same technique I recommend for some other games may work.


First, I assume there is an executable file that it needs to find to uninstall (.exe) If you know what that file is (just the name will do) and where it was installed (just the folder is fine) then make a dummy file and give it that name - make a text file with either nothing or just a line of text, save it rename it to the file name. Now try the game uninstaller. It should find the exe file and remove it.


Then delete any folders that the game put on your computer.


Next, reboot the computer


Then OR if you don't know the exe file name try this.

Run a registry cleaner. I recommend the FREE ccleaner available here: http://majorgeeks.co...Slim_d4191.html


After running the registry cleaner - Reboot again.


Hopefully that will clean out any registry entries preventing re-installation.

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Java actually did this to me when I tried to delete the JRE after downloading the JDK, then when the JDK stopped working (because everybody knows software stops working right the older it gets) and I tried to update to a new version of Java, it said I already had it installed, but when I try to uninstall, it said it couldn't find the files. Gotta love logic. I ended up having to reinstall windows to get Java to work, even after cleaning out the registry and hidden folders.


If you can live with these files on your computer, I wouldn't worry about deleting them, because there may not always be a good solution.

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