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NPC's & Scripts


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I have spent some time on the wiki and I have a script that I have stolen from there and amended for my own use, but I hav a problem and I can't find an answer for it there.


I have a guard that when activated gives the player a key, but I can't talk to the npc now. None of the options show up. I do receive the key and the script works but I want to be able to talk to the guard aswell.


I am using the following script.

scriptname 00TCPDGuardKey

begin onactivate
Ref MyItem
Short count

set MyItem to SecretDoorKey
	if player.GetItemCount MyItem == 0
 		player.additem MyItem 1



Could somebody tell me what I am doing wrong or point me in the right direction.




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I answered this in the PM I just sent you, but for everyone else's benefit, adding "Activate" after the if loop should cause the normal behavior to start.



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