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Reversing DLC mission to pre-long war status?


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Attempting a Gangplank DLC mission in long war and while I appreciate long war gameplay on those, some changes seem a bit curious. Sometimes I feel "more difficult!" just defies logic. For isntance, LW Gangplank adds air-drops of thin-men during your assault. You are sitting on top of a flying battleship. And thin-men airdrop in. Where do those come from? While regular airdrops can be explained by small UFOs dropping "paratroopers" (like EXALT troops get the helicopter sound when they drop in), there are no other UFOs in Gangplank as this is the whole point of the mission story.


I'd like to change the mission and remove those drops, if possible. Are those settings in the .ini files as well or are they harder to modify?

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If I remember it well, thin man drops are normal in that mission. You can check DefaultMaps.ini:

Maps=(MapFamily="CBattleship_01", Name="DLC1_3_Gangplank", DisplayName="DLC1_3_Gangplank", MissionType=eMission_Special, bInRotation=false, TimeOfDay=eMissionTime_Night, ERegion=eMissionRegion_None, StreamingMaps[0]=(MapName=DLC1_3_Gangplank_Stream, Loc=(X=0,Y=0,Z=0), Rot=(Yaw=0)), DynamicAliens[0]=eChar_Sectoid, DynamicAliens[1]=eChar_Thinman)

There is:

DynamicAliens[0]=eChar_Sectoid, DynamicAliens[1]=eChar_Thinman

You can try to change it to


but I'm not sure if it wouldn't just drop more sectoids on you.


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Thank you for the info, it's a valuable information where to change these paramters :smile:


But it seems you are right and I have to apologize (to LW). I'm pretty sure the chryssalid drops were in the vanilla version as well, I think LW just added some cyberdiscs and mutons and that makes sense when assaulting a battleship. Still, I find airdrops on a flying ship kind of weird :laugh:

Edited by Vangar
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