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Ammo Dispenser script help


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I've done it the ammo dispenser works. Thank you all for the script help. It works great. The only thing I now have to do is copy the award weapons; ie Backwater rifle, so it can be detected by the dispenser. Which is no big deal. And I've also started playing Mother-ship Zeta. And guess what I found? I found a nice looking health healer/re generator. And guess what my character is going to collect next??? :)


Amullinix, wish I could help but I have no idea what you're working on. And I'm new to scripting. Good luck.

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I've done it the ammo dispenser works. Thank you all for the script help. It works great. The only thing I now have to do is copy the award weapons; ie Backwater rifle, so it can be detected by the dispenser. Which is no big deal. And I've also started playing Mother-ship Zeta. And guess what I found? I found a nice looking health healer/re generator. And guess what my character is going to collect next??? :)


Amullinix, wish I could help but I have no idea what you're working on. And I'm new to scripting. Good luck.

remove the cool down timer? and make the healing ring heal fully? :D



Slight necro bump here, but I feel the need to ask this: Can someone versed in properly representing the script, and in wiki page creation, place these on the Nexus Wiki? I'm at work at the moment, and will be here for quite a few hours. If no one is available that is willing to do it, I will most likely try later on (probably within the next couple of days) but this really should be in there since there are a lot of mods that use sorters.


If this is already on the wiki (can't check it: it's blocked) please disregard this request.


a Sorter is similar, but checks for ammo instead of weapons. as such, its generally easier. you have presumably one ammo box per ammo type.

each ammo box has as unique reference, preferably something REALLY similar.

if you made a base called BlackStone "BlackStoneArmoryBox10mmREF" would be excellent. descriptive and unique.


to sort 10mm ammo using a switch:


scn BlackStockDemoSort10mmSwitchScript
short ammocount

begin onactivate
if isactionref player == 1
 if player.getitemcount ammo10mm >= 1
   set ammocount to player.getitemcount ammo10mm 
   player.removeitem ammo10mm ammocount 1
   BlackStoneArmoryBox10mmREF.additem ammo10mm ammocount 0
 else  ;elseif player.getitemcount ammo44mag >= 1 (would add others here)
  showmessage BlackStoneNo10mmAmmoMSG ; if only sorting one




this was several thousand lines of code, and includes every weapon in New Vegas/Dead Money/Honest Hearts



if your interested in how to make a weapons wall, or ammo shelves, give me a shout and i'll start you on your way :D

Edited by xab666
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