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Having issues with a mod.


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I am having issues with project nevada, and I'm at my wits end. My current mod set up is: All dlc and preorder packs, Tale of Two wastelands, Project nevada+ extra options, wmx and assorted project nevada wmx patch, CaliberX+ gun runners and honest hearts, and a merge patch. I've tried to get this to work before, once with about 60 mods, which I just chalked up to way to many mods, and one time with just Nevada, extra options, wmx, and the nevava+wmx patch. My issue is that a few features from project Nevada aren't working. I can't used enhanced zoom (or variable zoom. Whatever you wan't to call it) And I couldn't get the AR implant to work (The scanner) I've deleted FNV and reinstalled it at least 8 times, one of which was out of program files, I've ran about 30 different mod orders, I've merge patched and auto sorted. I've done just about everything I could think of and I've come to two conclusions. One is that I know it's project Nevada and wmx, because, like I said earlier, they were the only mods I had my first playthrough, and 2, no one else seems to have this problem, which is why I'm pulling hairs out. I can't tell if I'm doing something wrong, or if I'm just cursed, so some assistance would be kind.

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I'm not running TTW, but I do have the rest of those working together. This sort of problem almost always comes down to "load order" (LO) or missing addon files. Which is distinct from "install order" (IO). You should be using a "mod manager" to install mods, and then LOOT to put things into the correct LO.


So, what is your LO? (And please, this is not simply the list from the game menu "Data" option. This is the one produced by LOOT. Most mod managers have an option to copy it.) Please put the LO in "spoiler tags":



Like this. Paste your text, select it, then (from the "full editor") select the third menu option in the top row "Special BBcode". It will enclose the selected text in "spoiler tags".




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0 0 FalloutNV.esm
1 1 DeadMoney.esm
2 2 HonestHearts.esm
3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm
4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm
5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm
6 6 ClassicPack.esm
7 7 MercenaryPack.esm
8 8 TribalPack.esm
9 9 CaravanPack.esm
10 a Fallout3.esm
11 b Anchorage.esm
12 c ThePitt.esm
13 d BrokenSteel.esm
14 e PointLookout.esm
15 f Zeta.esm
16 10 TaleOfTwoWastelands.esm
17 11 Project Nevada - Core.esm
18 12 Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
19 13 Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
20 14 Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
21 15 Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm
22 16 Caliber.esm
23 17 CaliberXhonesthearts.esm
24 18 CaliberXgunrunners.esm
25 19 Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp
26 1a Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp
27 1b Project Nevada - All DLC.esp
28 1c WeaponModsExpanded.esp
29 1d Project Nevada - TTW.esp
30 1e Project Nevada - WMX.esp
31 1f Bashed Patch, 0.esp


And from what I can tell, the numbers on the side means that they're actualy activated, or whatever you want to call it.

Update: Loot says that the Bashed patch is an Empty plugin, so I disabled it

Edited by deady245
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Okay, that is a LO. The numbers in the first column are LO sequence (in decimal), with higher/larger numbers meaning they load later. Later loading mods will "win" any conflicts with earlier mods, in an "all or nothing" fashion. The two character alphanumerics in the next column (just in front of the mod names) are those same sequence numbers in hex, because you need to know that in various tools like FNVEdit "ID numbers" begin with those two characters.


The "Bashed Patch, 0.esp" is the full file name of the Bashed Patch (BP). It's named that way because historically it allowed you to have more than one. It doesn't mean it is empty, and the BP is (and should always be) the very last file in your load order. The BP is what enables the merging of individual records from files that do conflict but have records that don't or are designated by the mod author as "should always win" even if not the last loading mod.


The BP is created by Wrye Flash, and should be rebuilt every time you alter your LO (add, delete, or change position). That is because it depends upon knowing the LO sequence number of the records it's merging. I recommend you rebuild the BP every time you do anything to your mod list.


You should always deactivate the BP, and activate the mods BP deactivates when it is built, before running LOOT. They are the ones which do not have LO sequence numbers in front of them. (In Wrye Flash they will have "+" boxes instead of "checked" boxes.) Failing to do this will cause problems with the LO.


Once LOOT has ordered all of the files, you want to select the entire LO (except the BP) in Wrye Flash "Mods" tab and right-click on the list. That will bring up a context menu with the option (just above "Rebuild Patch") called "Mark Mergeable". That option will "mark" the files that can be completely merged into the BP. When you then select "Rebuild Patch", those mods can be "deactivated" when the BP is built. (This is one of the simplest ways to reduce your number of active mods.) Be sure to then "activate" the BP or you won't get their content at all.


Now for the specifics I see wrong. Your Project Nevada ESP files are in the wrong order, at least compared to mine. I have:

PN - Rebalance Complete

PN - All DLC

PN - Med-X Fix



PN - Cyberware Additions


PN - Rebalance.esp and PN - Cyberware.esp are actually ESMs with an ESP extension (master ESPs). Generally you don't want to alter the order LOOT places the "masters".


My "WeaponModsExpanded" ESP file was placed after my "PN - All DLC" file, but before "PN - Rebalance Complete". I don't see "WMX-DLCMerged", which you should be using as you have all the DLC. There are some other WMX optional files but you don't seem to need them. They would all go after the last of the PN files if present.


Frankly, I'm surprised that LOOT produced such an LO. Make sure you have updated the master list to the current version. There is a button for that in LOOT's interface, and you can go to "settings" and have it update automatically.



Edited by dubiousintent
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Three things. One, loot didn't produce that LO, that was me, long story. Two, I'm like 90 certain that WMX DLCMerged is in the TTW WMX file. And three, I shall try that.

Update, I was correct, it is included in the TTW WMX

Edited by deady245
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Did you use LOOT? It looks at the internals of the mod to determine where it needs to go in relation to other mods. The "master list" it uses contains author and community contributed information to help with this. Among other things, it will often tell you if you are missing a required file. While not a guarantee of success, it is far better than trying to deal with the "load order" manually. And you can manually tweak the results if you know what you are doing. It is the number one (and only I believe) tool to fixing LO issues.


If you did use LOOT, then most likely you are missing some "optional" file or patch. In that case you need to go back to the mod's download page and re-read the instructions and the included documentation for what you missed.


If you don't take the time to learn to use Wrye Flash to create a Bashed Patch, you are losing out on the benefit of most of your mods. This will definitely be the case with WMX. Let me explain in further detail. (Wrye Flash is simply a version of Wrye Bash tweaked for the differences in record types in FNV. All the information for WB applies to WF.)


Everything in the game is a "record" of some sort: objects, actors, trees, walls, sky, etc. These records have an "ID number", in hexidecimal code. The first two characters of the "ID number" are reserved to contain the LO sequence number, so they change depending upon your particular LO at the moment. The game "master ESM" (FalloutNV.ESM) is always pre-fix number "00". The DLC ESMs get the next numbers in the order they were released.


Initially these records are introduced to the game through the mechanism of the ESM files, and then through ESPs or "plugins" (mods). Some of these records (primarily textures and meshes) are stored in BSA files, which are basically archives. The game references BSAs by virtue of the name of the ESP, which must have the same name as the BSA. "Archive Invalidation" is used to tell the game to use the record from a different source than the BSA it would normally use.


When two (or more) mods attempt to "adjust" one or more records in the game (no matter how the records are introduced), they "conflict". This is resolved in that only the last loaded (higher/larger numbered) mod affecting that record "wins". This "win" is for the entire file as a whole. In that case, only the "winning" mod is loaded. The earlier mods are ignored completely. Any non-conflicting records in earlier mods still lose out.


The Bashed Patch takes the non-conflicting records from all the plugins (using the "ID number", which is why you have to rebuild after making an changes to the LO), and combines them with the conflict winning record, to produce a "patch" file so you get the benefit of all the mods adjustments. Now individual records win rather than only the entirety of the "winning" mod. This is majorly important.


Wrye Bash/Flash looks daunting because it has some much capability. But the BP portion in the "Mods" tab is really pretty simple: sort the mods, mark the "mergeable" mods, build the patch. There is the "Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide" which shows you the different screens and what functionality is on each. You don't need to learn everything about WB/F at once.



Edited by dubiousintent
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