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Spawning new soldiers via Fox2 editing


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So does raising the allocated memory for soldiers work for creating stable count/spawn increases? The setting for it should be in the location fpk/fpkd's files (might be the same file for setting location spawn/instance counts). If it doesn't then I'd assume there's a setting somewhere for increasing max memory allocation in general.
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Yeah I havenât touched this stuff in a long while and I donât plan to. Iâve never gotten any story characters to successfully spawn, the game is just stubborn like that. There might not even be any buddy combat AI implemented for the DD soldiers.

I heard somewhere that the engine is simply incapable of dealing with large character counts, hence why itâs so restrictive. Which is unfortunate, because I was looking forward to spawning an army of quiets.

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Multiple Quiet/story characters spawn indeed is a problem, cause they R differently coded.


If it comes 2 buddy combat A.I. replacement 4 DD soldiers things R not that bad I think. The thing is that they R not buddies just soldiers after all, only friendly. For example enemy soldiers sometimes shooting at wild animals. If U install The Legend Of Big Boss which make them friendly 4 U, they still shooting 2 animals. On top of that enemy cameras sill recognize U as enemy, so if they spot U, they will trigger alert & soldiers will shoot at U, while still marked green. Loose alert & once again they will B friendly. My point is: friends or foes, they have combat A.I. anyway. So U C, this would only take little script editing.

Edited by R0BEARTH
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