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Can I get help to finally put this to rest?


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I am not going to rest until this is finally solved!


I am not new to modding or to Fallout 3. I have had the game since it came out and I want to finally put this whole thing to rest. This game just HAS to run more smoothly on my rig. To that particular end, I am going to use this thread to get as much input on figuring out exactly the BEST way to do exactly that.


First for my system specs. Intel Core2Duo E8400 3.0 GHz processor, Nvidea GeForce GTX 260, 8 GB RAM, and running Vista Home Premium 64 for my operating system. I refuse to believe that the stuttering and lags are a normal part of the game that can't be fixed. I hate it when I transition from cell to cell and it just DOESNT flow smoothly. It hangs up. Drives me NUTS!


I have used the large address enabler, make merged patches, installed the latest video drivers. My god...whats next!


how many threads are you using? is it set in fallout.ini?

appearntaly the game has issues with more then one?

making it only use one might improve it.


(change the line "bUseThreadedAI=0" to "bUseThreadedAI=1" in fallout.ini)


also, for the record, I have a GT330 in my Macbook pro, which has like 100 cores, your 260 has 192 @ 576Mhz.

maybe your drivers are too new? new drivers don't always increase proformence, esp. with older games.


when you run the game without mods does it do that same? that would quickly elimate mods as cause..


Im going to try setting the number of cores to one. Just in case it does work better. Thank you for the help! As well, I have noticed a (VERY) slight improvement with the new drivers so I dont think rolling them back will help. As I stated previously, the lags ( Im not going to refer to them as stutters anymore, too misleading) are there with NO mods and a new game. To be clear, its not all the time and it is usually for a few seconds. Its those annoying ones that last a minute - minute and a half that drive me crazy!

I just now uploaded a file for you that you can use in your game so you don't have to worry about all that stuff any more. The issues you have are the game it's self. I don't know your birthday so Happy birthday present any way. No BrokenSteel required at all. Go get it and have fun.


Its working GREAT! I am really liking it so far!

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  • 1 month later...

Ok. So I am going to continue with my quest for a great FO3 experience and try this. I have made my computer Large Address aware. And tried using the LITE version of NMCs texture replacer. And it now lags my machine SO much that I was forced to delete it. My question is - WHY? My card and rig should be able to handle it with NO problems! So why is it an issue at all?


To illustrate what I mean, I can run this - http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=866 - with NO problems. At the HIGHEST setting and NO problem. But using NMCs replacer when I go indoors especially makes it lag like hell.


Damn. It looks SO damn good too. Any ideas? Thoughts?

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I'll look into it for you. it will take quite a wile though, I have dial up so I have to find another access point to obtain al those required files, That's a lot of data, On his description page, he does say he struggles with the higher pack, Is your machine the same as he describes or lesser in size? Edited by ccmechanic2
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I'll look into it for you. it will take quite a wile though, I have dial up so I have to find another access point to obtain al those required files, That's a lot of data, On his description page, he does say he struggles with the higher pack, Is your machine the same as he describes or lesser in size?



Intel Core 2 DuoCPU @ 3.0 GHz E8400

Nvidea GeForce GTX260

Windows Vista Home Premium

8GHz Kingston RAM

MS Windows Vista Home Premium



This is my system specs. So its not quite as powerful as his rig. But there should STILL not be such a problem...

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I aggree with you on that, I have a much lower end machine than yours and have had problems with the megaton Overhaul mod and the textures over haul mod too. Eh, I had better fish to fry so I will let that go for a while, Not yours, yours is all new, When I get those files, You know I'm gonna check em out for you. I believe Folks learn from the past and apply gained knowledge to their new works. With this attitude in mind, I apply this to what ever I look into, Turn over every rock, and so on. heh, it just takes a lot of time and concentration to get it done. And throw it out there and see what happens. Ya gotta start some where. Emm, I fixed three mods that needed one another to the point that they work perfectly and never cause problems any more. It was said, no way could they be fixed. Nonsense, I fixed them for my personal use. Big mods too. But I can not share them. What I have done is made a video of that fix, but it's way too big for most share site. I'll have some one cut it down for me and maybe upload it. Who knows what that will bring. Lol.
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I aggree with you on that, I have a much lower end machine than yours and have had problems with the megaton Overhaul mod and the textures over haul mod too. Eh, I had better fish to fry so I will let that go for a while, Not yours, yours is all new, When I get those files, You know I'm gonna check em out for you. I believe Folks learn from the past and apply gained knowledge to their new works. With this attitude in mind, I apply this to what ever I look into, Turn over every rock, and so on. heh, it just takes a lot of time and concentration to get it done. And throw it out there and see what happens. Ya gotta start some where. Emm, I fixed three mods that needed one another to the point that they work perfectly and never cause problems any more. It was said, no way could they be fixed. Nonsense, I fixed them for my personal use. Big mods too. But I can not share them. What I have done is made a video of that fix, but it's way too big for most share site. I'll have some one cut it down for me and maybe upload it. Who knows what that will bring. Lol.



I am looking forawrd to your latest update with the invisible wall remover for sure. It just did SO much to fix my game and cause it to run smoothly!

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Patience , I am on the last leg of it, there's a lot of data now, it has grown very big, I would say I am at 96 percent done, I work on it two t five hours a day, It is hard on the eye's to stare at the screen for that long, Even at the light speed I work at, it's just so much data to do one item at a time, Some I have to change different ly, Like for example, the rivet city issue's , this Glitch comes from a default DLC and I am using for my mod a repaired DLC. The repaired one has the correct vertexes in it so when I enter those in to my mod, you use the overrides and no Glitches are there, well they are there you just don't experiences them because you have the default error ridden DLC. understand?
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Patience , I am on the last leg of it, there's a lot of data now, it has grown very big, I would say I am at 96 percent done, I work on it two t five hours a day, It is hard on the eye's to stare at the screen for that long, Even at the light speed I work at, it's just so much data to do one item at a time, Some I have to change different ly, Like for example, the rivet city issue's , this Glitch comes from a default DLC and I am using for my mod a repaired DLC. The repaired one has the correct vertexes in it so when I enter those in to my mod, you use the overrides and no Glitches are there, well they are there you just don't experiences them because you have the default error ridden DLC. understand?



I do follow what you mean. And I am really looking forward to seeing what you come up with...

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I't not important, I have been involved with two projects so yeah, I can be a bit confusing to folks, trying to keep track of the two different subjects is a little intimidating to me, I can only imagine what others think when I blurt out stuff that confuses them too. ha hahahahah Don't worries, I'll get it together here soon, Have a real life too that intrudes into my gaming thing as well. One thing I had to start all over last week because the Main processor chip popped on me. I had to replace the MB and the Processor, I had a backup, I always but two of every thing. Did you know, that not all ram packages are quality checked, 5 times in the past year, I bought high end ram matched pairs, and they were faulty? that's not good. That's why I buy two of them. Any how, it's gonna be about a week for the new release baring any more Life problems that get in the way. Time is hard to come by lately.
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