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white screening

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currently any game i play white screens or freases for a few seconds then continues running..

wtf is happening?

is it a result of new gpu(ati sapphire 6970 BFBC2V box edit)??


things ive tried to fix.. system restore... driver remove and re install... uninstall ingand then re installing games

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currently any game i play white screens or freases for a few seconds then continues running..

wtf is happening?

is it a result of new gpu(ati sapphire 6970 BFBC2V box edit)??


things ive tried to fix.. system restore... driver remove and re install... uninstall ingand then re installing games



I'm suspecting graphics card just based on what you've typed so far. What kind of computer is this graphics card in? Is this a brand name computer (such as HP, Dell, etc.), or is this is a custom rig? Does the graphics card have a fan on it? Also, did this problem occur before installing the graphics card; when did this start?

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its a new card.... costom rig... it comes stock witha fan thing.....infact heres the link to it HERE

yes i have a more than adiqit power supp corsear HX 650w


now(only cause i set the card settings back to defalt) its only doing it realy with CNC3/kanes wrath wich ive paced to v.1.02

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I read about this issue somewhere and it doesn't seem to be too rare. Make sure you've installed the latest drivers Edited by Nysba
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