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The lord of the rings: a freeware adventure game on the Skyrim engine


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why not create SILMARILLION, prequel of LOTR & the hobbits?

there is scenes involving of thousand of dragons and army in a battlefield, bigger than lotr.


1 FPS is okay for me.. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif

Edited by zorndyken
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  • 2 months later...
I'm kinda skeptical, but if you manage to find enough devoted people I'm sure you can accomplish a large LOTR mod. I've never modded properly before but I know how to use photoshop, and I can create traditional art designs. I was just drawing a Hobbit face design based on the skull of Homo-floresiensis, It does look like it could fit in well with the skyrim designs of elves. So if I need something to do for a while I can spend some time designing parts of this project if you like. I wish I could create meshes but ive got neither the skills or the software.
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