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Inputting a new gun-model


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Hey guys

I was wondering if anyone here would be able to help me out a bit. Like the title says, I'm trying to create a new model and put it in the game, I'm a giant W40k fan and I honestly saw a lot of potential for a Deathwatch-game in Xcom, however I'm a complete noob at texturing or even modelling, since it has been ages I made something and even then, someone did the textures in my stead.

I'm currently in the process of replacing a weapon model with one of my own, I only have a working 3D model and a half-arsed texture because I barely know anything about UVW unwrapping, but I managed to get the model in, with that barebones Texture, however, I noticed a lot of wonkyness and I was wondering if you would be able to help me out with fixing the (lame) texture to display correctly.

Links to what I'm trying to achieve:


Any help is hugely appreciated, if anyone feels like maybe teaching me a thing or 2 or even going so far as to team up for a few projects, please let me know, any road to learning is a road I'll take.

Thank you for reading,
Kind regards,

Edited by Aranox
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Hello Aranox.


Cannot help much, as I've never done it before, but there are some tutorials available:

What modelling program do you use?

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That weird shading is from wonky smoothing groups. Verify that the model looks good in your modelling software and that smoothing groups are assigned. On import check "Preserve Smoothing Groups" under Skeletal Mesh>Advanced.

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Sorry for this very late response, had some health-issues to take care of.

I use a student-license of the latest 3Ds max, 2016 edition.


I'm a sucker at texturing, I know how it works but like I said, I need a lot more learning.


@ZDU, I have no smoothing groups what so ever even active, should I put them on then?


Here's a token for both of your troubles friends,



The Emperor Protects

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Yeah, you should assign some smoothing groups before you export your model. What happened to the model in your first post is that UDK just assigned one smoothing group to all faces in the model you imported (from the looks of it).

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